Anyone who thinks George W. Bush is the mastermind behind the NeoCon Fascist Cabal (NFC: Also known as PNAC & Friends) please raise your hand. Now take that hand and give yourself a swift slap across the cheek to wake up. Do it gently though, I'm not really into violence. ;)
Here is the situation:
1. It doesn't matter if GWB can run again in 2008 or not. He is expendable and at this point may very well be a liability. The NFC will find someone else to front for them if they don't run the Shrub.
2. Who counts the vote controls the outcome and the Republicans are most definitely in control of the vote count. With a little bit of, gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement and vote suppression thrown in for good measure.
3. As long as corporations, including corporate media, have the privileges of individuals and none of the responsibility they will be complicit in points 1 & 2 either consciously or subconsciously.
Until we are free of the influence of the NFC, are confident in a fair and open election process and hold corporations accountable for their behavior, how many times a single individual can keep running for President is completely immaterial.
If you feel inclined to contact anyone about the proposal to eradicate the 22nd Amendment please let them know that you will not be distracted from the task at hand. Reclaiming the people's rightful power in a representative democracy.