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A Different Take on Dean and Those Democrats Who Question His Comments

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Justice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 08:09 AM
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A Different Take on Dean and Those Democrats Who Question His Comments
The media, with lots of help from Republicans would have his think that there is something wrong with open discussion and disagreement about leaders of the Democratic party about the most effective way to express our beliefs/points of view.

We react, talk about the importance of unity, standing behind each other and complain about people expressing different points of view -- saying "he doesn't speak for me."

You know what - I say - HOW REFRESHING!!!

Isn't that what democracy is really about - no one else speaks for you. You speak for you. You should decide who else has the right to speak for you.

Yes, the Republican aka Stepford Wife Party cajoles, punishes, threatens and strong arms its members into falling into lockstep. Yes, at times people have admired the unbreakable on point message. Our media and because of that our fellow Americans have come to (been pushed into) value unity and a single voice over a good and fair process and result. But we all know the cost of the single voice over the many voices - the cost in dollars and waste - but most importantly in lives. We would not be in Iraq today if people on all sides debated the IWR openly and honestly.

I loved Jon Stewart's show on Monday night when he talked about Howard Dean. He mocked Cheney's retort that Dean's comments were over the top -- utterly and completely destroying the retort. Cheney tried to shut down discussion of Dean's substantive points by summarily dismissing Dean's comments as a whole.

Dear God, I don't want leaders or Americans - who are afraid to express their point of view. I don't want enforcement bullies to punish an elected official who speaks against a position or votes his or her conscience. I don't want people to be summarily dismissed by bullies who "slap" the comment away rather than address its substance.

This "yes-man" has gone too far -

-- republicans say that Bolton would go down in flames if the Senate vote was a secret ballot - yet, because Republican Senators are literally AFRAID to follow their conscience and common sense for fear of retribution by Bush, we are spending money and resources on this nominee. (As an aside, you wonder if the CNN poll results against Bolton's nomination - 73%against to 27%pro are the result of republican senators sitting in their offices serially voting in the poll).

-- Elizabeth Dole, former head of the American Red Cross, AFRAID to speak out against the brewing retribution by republicans against the Red Cross for its assessment of the prisoner treatment by Americans.

I could go on and on. Let's not do the circular firing squad over this -- let's remind people that this discussion, debate and discourse is what the Founding Fathers fought for -- it's DEMOCRACY people. I for one embrace it.

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sendero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 08:15 AM
Response to Original message
1. Besides..
.... Dean's comments are the antidote to the nuanced handwringing muddlespeak way too many Dem "leaders" are mired in.

Americans don't have the time or the attention span to listen to long drawn out complex policy crap. They don't care, because those elected rarely follow through anyway.

I am absolutely convinced that Average Americans are sick of the Repubs bullshit and are ready to vote Dem, they just need someone to give them a reason. Someone who cares enough to break some eggs, someone who isn't so afraid of the media attack machine that they are muzzled.

So far, Dean and a handful of congresspersons have the guts to do it. Their detractors fall into two categories, people in the Dem establishment with something to lose, and morons.
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Justice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 08:24 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. I am not taking sides
saying that the process of discussing and debate is very valuable, and we have given Republicans too much lee-way to shut it down.
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sendero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 08:27 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I'm speaking only for myself.
.... of course. Just expressing my opinion in a way that I wish more Dems would.

We've been 'victims' long enough. Time to rise up.
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90-percent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 08:18 AM
Response to Original message
2. Profound points indeed!
I say "bring 'em on!"

Let's do what Galloway did and debate the mf'ers and beat them with discourse and facts and reason.

When Frank Zappa participated in the 1985 PMRC Hearings He went into their ring, him versus the whole lot of them and took them on and took them down. He was frigging EVERYWHERE debating all of them anytime anyplace anywhere for any reason at all!

And Frank and Gail donated $200,000 to the dems in the 90's also.

We have truth, reason and the facts on our side. What's to fear with that?


Plus, just like FZ described himself, we're all CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTALISTS!!!!
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KurtNYC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 08:22 AM
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3. Excellent points
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