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Lett. to San Diego Times:Right-wing isn't conservative, it's authoritarian

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question everything Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 10:30 AM
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Lett. to San Diego Times:Right-wing isn't conservative, it's authoritarian
(it is really the North San Diego County Times)

Right-wing isn't conservative, it's authoritarian

After reading the letters to the NCT for many years I have noticed that there seems to be a corruption of the terms "liberal" and "conservative."

From Webster's New Word Dictionary -- Liberal: 5. Tolerant of views differing from one's own; broad-minded, specifically not orthodox or conventional. 7. Favoring reform or progress. as in religion, education, etc.; specifically favoring political reforms tending toward democracy and personal freedom for the individual; progressive.

Conservative: 2. Tending to preserve established tradition or institutions and to resist or oppose any changes in these.

In the letters, conservative seems to mean the government -- state and federal -- not meddling in the affairs of the individual. However, when you have a party (Republican) that is against a woman's right to choose, wanting to force religious teachings into the schools, refuses to accept gay marriage as a civil rights issue and against stem cell research (again a religious issue), then you have a government that is foisting itself upon the individual and society in general.

How about coming up with a new moniker for the right-wing Republicans: authoritarian.


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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 10:33 AM
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1. And this is coming from
a rw bastion in San Diego County. Where Camp Pendelton is.

"Authoritarian" works for me. It's nicer than what I call them.
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