Start putting this to good use folks!
To impeach George Bush for war crimes and covertly implementing PNAC, we have to get a handle on our congress men and women.
This website is created to organize local state efforts to petition the Secretary of State or other official of each state in which laws have been established for the recall process of public officials. There are 26 states in which such laws have been established leaving 24 states in which an effort is required to petition the state legislature for enactment of such a law or alternatively where the initiative has been made law to use that vehicle to bring each state of the nation into a parity of power of its citizens to control the Federal government.
Link for those less legally minded to understand the scope of this site
Status of the lawsuit
Click on
Objectives of We the People
To kick George W. Bush out of office, send him packing to Crawford Texas and to seek his future trial for war crimes in the docks of the International Court of Criminal Justice. To this add Dick Cheney and his rogue companions.
That We the People gain control over the Senate and House of Representatives whereby they are bound to perform according to their commitments to We the People or get booted out of office by state court upon complaint of We the People.
To teach the President and the Congress that We the People own America and the government and that every person in each of those entities is in our employ and subject to our termination by way of our reserved electoral right of recall.
To establish that the right of the people to recall members of the US Senate or the House of Representatives is a right not prohibited within the Constitution and is thus reserved to the electors of the States contrary to common myth.
To firmly establish the right of We the People to veto any acts of the Congress within 48 hours of passage which veto is final and cannot be overridden by the Congress.
To establish by use of the recall that We the People are the backbone of our government, not its vassals and that the government must respond to the will of We the People.
Not the last and not the least is that we must re-establish fiscal responsibility to this nation which is heading for bankruptcy under the present administration with the aid and assistance of our congressional delegates.
We the people of the United States
face the greatest challenge in the history of our country
It is greater than the Revolutionary war by which our country was given birth. It is greater than the Civil war which preserved the union.
It is greater than World War II which was waged to eliminate the evils of fascism from the earth. It is unprecedented in world history!
It is indeed a rebirth of fascism in our time in our own country by those who have hijacked the government from their seat in the Administration and by their accomplices within the Congress along with all other inept members of the Congress who have allowed this tragedy to come upon us. Most of these are descendants of fathers who fought and some who died in World War II to free the world of fascism. Don’t know what PNAC is? Most Americans don’t. Read up on it
http://www.crisispapers.org/Editorials/PNAC-Primer.htm How did it happen? By lies and deception and by placing the Nation under a state of fear. But not by accident. It was a well orchestrated event including 9/11 and all the suspicions surrounding it. For 9/11 was a needed event ( As stated by the paper itself) ( Sin of Omission) to implement the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and first kicked into gear by the ill-informed interference of the US Supreme Court in a States Right matter of the election fraud in Florida in 2000. That interference resulted in an illegal electoral college vote for George W. Bush.
It was further encouraged in 2004 by a conspiracy of silence among members of the Congress on both sides of the aisle to not speak of fascism or PNAC during the election campaign which they knew or must have known was taking over America. Members of Congress who knew and were silent are guilty of treason and high crimes against the country. If they didn’t know they are inept and should be kicked out of their offices as quickly as possible. We don’t need a rubber stamp congress to the further the evil empire builder George W. Bush.
I won’t go into the parallels between September 11, 2001 and February 27,1933 when Germany began to lose its democracy and the Third Reich fascist government began. Thom Hartman has done an excellent job of that. Thom Hartman | When Democracy Failed - 2005: The Warnings of History
http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0222-22.htm We cannot allow George Bush and company to entrench our country any deeper into the un-godly agenda of PNAC. Every American needs to stand up, listen, read and learn what is going on then decide to do something positive about it. I have suggested an:
American Revolution 2005
It needs to be done beginning now and by our use of the powers vested in WE the People
Volunteers needed in all 50 states. If you have the spirit of America’s founders and wish to participate in a non-violent recapture of the freedoms associated with the founding of America, please step forward and make yourself known. A coordinated effort in all 50 states will put America back where it belongs as a nation in a brotherhood of nations.
Contact me for state organizational plans. d.a.wallace@sbcglobal.net For starters copy, paste and print the following document and send it to each member of your state congressional delegation with a request they sign it and file it with the state secretary of states office.
State of ___________________________________
To Be Filed in the State Secretary of State's Office
For and in consideration of continued employment of the people of the State of ________________________,the undersigned member of the United States Congress hereby pledges to the electorate of the above named state, that I will actively work and vote to promote the impeachment of George W. Bush as President of the United States, Richard Cheney, Vice President and other civil servants involved for their conduct in:
Lying to the Congress and the public in order obtain support for the illegal war against Iraq.
For implementing the white paper of a Non Government Organization Known as the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) titled “Rebuilding Americas Defenses” which calls for global military dominance of the United States with unilateral pre-emptive military strikes against any nation deemed a threat to that dominance.
For violating international law in invading Iraq and for the deaths of innocent Iraqis and resulting unnecessary deaths and maiming of our own troops.
For using fear as a mechanism to establish fascism within the government.
In making this pledge, I understand that I will not be subject to recall by my constituency. I waive constitutional rights, if any, relating to continuity of my holding office and understand that in the event of failure on my part to perform as stated within a reasonable time from date, I may be removed from office by a complaint made to a competent court of my state by 3 or more members of my constituency. My only defense being a showing of performance.
This pledge relates only to the issue of the impeachment of George W. Bush, et al. I understand that from time to time there may be other issues which will require my pledge of support.
Dated this ________Day of _________________, 2005
Printed Name of Signator
Office held
Witnessed by: _______________________________________