MERIDEN, N.H. — Sara Townsend was the Republican majority whip in the New Hampshire Legislature for 17 years, so you'd think she would have little to do on primary day — other than watch the Democrats duke it out. On the contrary, she is very much involved. Townsend is a Republican no more. She left the party in disgust a few years ago and now calls herself an independent.
New Hampshire lets independents vote in the party primaries, and Townsend, 84, plans to choose among the Democratic contenders. She expects to vote for Gen. Wesley Clark on Tuesday, and, come November, whoever is running against President Bush. Her husband, Ira, who voted Republican for over half a century, is doing likewise.
"I just don't understand," he said, shaking his head. "Practically every move Bush makes antagonizes me."
The Republican Party's much-heralded march to power in the South has drowned out other parades in the opposite direction. Formerly bedrock Republican areas, including rich suburbs from Philadelphia to Seattle, are going more often for Democrats. Nowhere is the change starker than in northern New England, where people used to be stamped "Republican" at birth.