The communications director for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) abruptly announced his resignation yesterday after months of defending his boss amid intense media scrutiny of the outspoken lawmaker.
Dan Allen’s resignation immediately sparked speculation that he was shut out by DeLay’s closest advisers.
Allen sent an e-mail to Capitol Hill reporters yesterday confirming a brief news report that he would be leaving DeLay’s office at the end of the month to take a job with Scott Howell and Co., a Republican media firm.
His departure comes at a lull for the DeLay office, which endured a four-month barrage of negative news reports regarding the majority leader’s perceived ties to embattled Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. During a few tense weeks in the middle of the stretch, DeLay’s closest advisers held daily meetings to discuss message strategy and to coordinate outreach among members.
Workdays were long, sometimes around the clock, and the strain was evident on the face of many of DeLay’s staffers. Allen fielded many of the press queries about DeLay’s controversial trips abroad.