Which Party do you think could best end the war in Iraq honorably ?
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:08 AM
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Which Party do you think could best end the war in Iraq honorably ? |
The Democrats or Republicans? I would love to see that question in a legitimate poll? I cannot believe that the majority would think the Repubs have the best chance to end the war in Iraq in an honorable way. And would the Iraqi people be more willing to work with the Democrats after what George Bush has done to their country? Is it possible we may not be able to resolve the war in a peaceful way until we get a Democratic president that believes in human rights for all?
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:09 AM
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1. Get out tonight - any party |
Edited on Fri Jun-17-05 12:09 AM by eleny
Beaver Tail
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:10 AM
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2. There is no way to get out honorably |
It is too late. The damage is done
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:11 AM
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I didn't say it well. I think the Party that can do it tonight can do it honroably. Since neither will...
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:10 AM
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Forget honor, if we wait for that we'll be helicoptering off the embassy in ten years.
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Fri Jun-17-05 01:28 AM
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5. The Green Party will end the war ASAP. Fuck honor! |
For that matter just about every variant of socialist and anarchist party would bring the troops home the day after taking power.
If the Democrats had someone like a Dennis Kucinich or Barney Sanders (who is really a socialist) in the White House, the war would be over the moment they took the Oath of Office.
I heard enough crap about "peace with honor" during Vietnam, and I would hate to see us fall for that false choice again!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:31 AM
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