,0,3469156.story?coll=la-home-headlinesWar Criticism and Concerns Both Growing
A bipartisan group of lawmakers wants to see a plan to withdraw troops from Iraq. A general cites the need to gain more public support.
By John Hendren and Cynthia H. Cho, Times Staff Writers
WASHINGTON — <snip>"After 2 1/2 years, it's right to take a fresh look. We have a right to ask, 'What are the goals?' " said Rep. Walter B. Jones of North Carolina, one of the Republican sponsors of the measure.
"It's time to get serious about an exit strategy," said Rep. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, a Democratic sponsor.<snip>
"If we didn't do this today, we may be here in 10 years," Jones said.
(General)Conway said a deadline would embolden Iraqi insurgents to continue daily attacks and bide their time until U.S. troops left.