Official data in support of Robert Sentry article "Surge Of Socialism Under George Bush"
All data from the official US Budget and the OMB (Office of Management and Budget):
A. "The average outlays spent on HR as a % of total outlays of the US budget averaged 61.26% 1993-2000 during Clinton's corrupt regime."
1993 to 2000--58.7, 59.5, 60.9, 61.4, 62.6, 62.5, 62.1, 62.4
B. "George Bush, who would be titled a "flaming socialist" by Republicans if his letter was a "D" not a "R", has averaged 65.53% (including estimates for 2003 and 2004)."
2001 to 2004--64.1, 65.5, 66.3, 66.2
C. "The average increase in total US spending outlays during Clinton's regime was 3.28% year over year. In the crucial category of HR, the largest hog in the US budget, the year over year increase in outlays averaged 4.71%."
3.28% averaged from (Trillions) --1.409489, 1.461877, 1.515802, 1.560535, 1.601250, 1.652585, 1.701891, 1.788773
and % -- 2.01, 3.71, 3.68, 2.95, 2.60, 3.20, 2.98, 5.10
4.71% averaged from (Trillions) -- .827533, .869410, .923765, .958232, 1.002336, 1.033426, 1.057717, 1.115481
and % -- 7.13, 5.06, 6.25, 3.73, 4.60, 3.10, 2.35, 5.46
D. "The average increase in total US spending during Bush's term (including estimates for 2003 and 2004) has been 5.67% year over year. In the HR category, Bush has slopped the hog at HR to the tune of 7.26% year over year increases."
5.67% averaged from (Trillions) -- 1.863895, 2.010975, 2.140377, 2.229425
and % -- 4.19, 7.89, 6.43, 4.16
7.26% averaged from (Trillions) -- 1.194409, 1.317852, 1.419648, 1.475076
and % -- 7.07, 10.33, 7.72, 3.90
E. "Human Resource spending (socialism) now consumes a whopping 66.2% of all government spending in the 2004 budget."
Note in the chart that in 1993, HR spending was less than 59% of total outlays. Considering this ugly and frightening rate of increase to 66 +%, and taking into account that we are just starting to feel the impact of the illegal alien welfare demands and the soaring birth rates of non-taxpayers, one has to wonder exactly how much the rate will be in ten years for HR.
The Defense Department is the only sizable function where sufficient dollars can be transferred to pay for this soaring socialism in the US budget.
Our enemies do not need to wage an arms war against us. They will soon be able to defeat us without bankrupting themselves by simply letting this trend of soaring socialism degrade our Defense Department to a degree of their liking.
F. "Compare that 17.5% figure to the Defense spending in 1993 at a much higher 20.7% rate."
In 1993, total outlays for Defense was 291.1 Billion dollars from total spending of 1.409 Trillion (20.7%).
In 2004, Defense is budgeted at 390.4 Billion from total spending of 2.229 Trillion, a decrease to the 17.5% figure.http://www.sentryoveramerica.com/24_Surge_of_Socialism_Support_Data.htm