I would rather see this country destroyed and me with it, than see it remain a fascist dictatorship.
Without checks and balances, without the right to petition the government for redress of grievances (I guess you can stand outside the gate and hand the petition through the bars, but I don't think that counts), without a fair and impartial judiciary, and with 1 in 4 U.S. males in our prison/gulag system, I don't really care how many people are doing well and enjoying life. Liberty or death is the slogan I was taught as a child. If we can't restore democracy, and if the ICC can't do it through legal proceedings, it still must be done.
We had freedom of the press until the fascists bought up the MSM.
We had free and fair elections until the right bought up the voting machine companies and insisted on using machines that had no way to verify votes.
We had representative government until the pukes decided that they would only permit representation of themselves and the corporations that funded them, including some tax-evading political corporations called churches.
We had a social safety net until the pukes cut taxes on the rich and let the corporations keep their money offshore.
We had a decent educational system until the military-industrial complex and their lobbyists convinced the pukes that bombs were more important than books.
We had freedom of religion until the chimp started his jihad/crusade.
We had an partially impartial judiciary until the pukes stacked the courts so that all compensation to victims and all convictions of corporations and their CEOs could be overturned by higher courts, and they passed mandatory minimums to ensure that a lot of nonviolent "criminals" would die in prison and judges had no say in the matter.
Okay, so you never miss the water 'til the well runs dry. Bad as this country was, supporting dictators, assassinating foreign heads of state who weren't fascist, condoning lynchings, witch hunts, COINTELPRO, etc., etc., it has never been this bad. When holocaust survivors start moving back to Germany because they've seen it before and don't want to go through it all again, it is all over.
Some guy on Coast to Coast AM radio said he wouldn't be surprised if BFEE was planning to nuke several U.S. cities so that we would all be put back into the same state of shock we were in on 9/11, which would enable them to continue doing whatever they want. Like the people who buy up companies, run them into bankruptcy milking them for whatever they can, and then go buy up some more and do it again. Halliburton won't leave Iraq willingly if there is any money or oil still left there to steal. The pukes won't stop until they've destroyed this country completely. So why should I care if it is them or somebody else who does it? Either we find a way to restore democracy, or that is what has to happen no matter who does it.
WWIII? You don't have to put me in a camp for me to start praying that somebody bombs the camps. The fact that they exist is enough. And they do exist. Durbin was wrong. We're not just running a gulag in Guantanamo. We're running a gulag here, but so far most of the people in it are poor or minorities. They're being beaten and raped, given the "opportunity" to work for slave wages, vulnerable to rampant AIDS and drug-resistant TB, living in "privatized" prisons run by gangs where violence and death are constants, and often all they did was smoke some pot or crack or talk about selling it. Torture? If they don't survive it, it is called "suicide," and if they do they can spend years in court only to have the wingnut judges rule that they didn't sufficiently prove it was torture. Here. In the U.S. Now. And didn't the FBI just put all the peace and environmental and human rights group on their terrorist watch list?
Only 14% of Americans think Congress represents their interests. How can that be called representative government?
If Parliamentary enquiries find sufficient evidence for the Tony Blair gang to be indicted by the World Court for having abetted Bush in war crimes, and the polls show that more than 80% of Americans are opposed to the puke agenda, maybe, just maybe, the pukes will crack and give us back our country. More likely those greedy bastards will declare war on the rest of the world (you're either with us or against us) because they can make money selling arms to both sides, as they did in WWII. Don't forget that a lot of them are Armageddonists and Rapturites. They don't care if they destroy the planet or the human race, so long as they can accumulate as many billions of dollars as they can before they die.
They used to say, "love it or leave it." Well, if I could afford to and had someplace to go, I'd be long gone. Even if it would only be my first Holocaust, I have no desire to experience it.