This is pure vanity, but others may share the experience of getting banned from Free Republic, and may therefore enjoy this self-indulgence.
I took a trip down memory lane tonight, and oh, what a good time I had!
I stumbled on a way to look at the posts (replies, actually) that I made years ago when I was still a member in good standing of FreeRepublic.com. By 'member in good standing", I mean I had already been registered there two years before I started posting.
Back then, Rimjob was still deluding himself that he was a fair-minded man who confidently met his opponents on the battlefield of reason and feared no contest. So he let me and a few other libs speak out for a while -- until we started making the wingnuts over there sputter in frustrated indignation. There used to be a passle of us, including all-time greats like Ash and Eschoir, but only Murry Mom now survives. In those days, he would even permit articles about the BFEE. But somewhere along the line he sold his soul to the Bush Bunch.
Once I DID start posting, I started driving them crazy, which I was so delighted to re-discover when I took my trip through the Freeper archives tonight. I was able to read the posts I'd made right up until the very day I was banned forever for the first time. I later got banned forever seven or so more times, under every e-mail address I could come up with.
Never, during all those incarnations -- EVER -- did I violate any of Rimjob's phoney-baloney "posting rules" (which are as much a load of BS as their equally baloney-phoney statement of purpose). But although I never did anything to violate their "stated" policies, I got banned anyway because I shut down so many of their threads.
They'd be snorting along, smacking on the rotting carcass of the latest lie one of them had chased down and posted, and I'd swoop in and post some amazingly witty and acerbic (well, if you ask ME) comment that would usually leave them speechless, struck dumb with blood on their snouts. The tuck taken right out of them. Most threads I injected myself into died within two or three more posts, and the ones that didn't usually consisted entirely of personal insults of me, which I accept as much from Freepers as I accept the intended insult of a monkey masturbating my way.
I shut down so many threads, I became sort of an anti-celebrity over there, until October of 2001, when I disappeared forever as my original screenname: Hidy. (Hanoi Hidy, they called me.)
My point? Hell, I don't know. It just cheered me up to see that I was battling these FRreeper bastards with truth and wit pretty much from the day FreeRepublic.com first came online. (When I first found it, it was called "The Whitewater Forum.") That means I have been either a lurker or a bannee or a member in good standing of that website for about as long as anyone, and I got the best of them every time I was allowed to try. I've known them forever and they're a bigger bunch of idiots now than they ever were.
I'd still be driving them apoplectic -- even though Freeperville is a now a slum of its former self -- if they'd let me back in. I never enjoyed anything as much as I did bopping Freepers, and boy, did I bop a few!
You know, it's kind of like reminiscing about what a jock or a stud or a fox you were when you were younger. "I tell ya, boy, I kicked some Freeper ass back in '99, I tell ya."
These days, as we all know, Rimjob is a petty little tyrant on wheels in charge of a bunch of immature rageaholics who brook no dissent and shout down and shut out all but one point of view -- while warilly casting Fred C. Dobbs looks at one another. But in those days, there were FReepers worth fencing with. Some of them were even sorry to see me go. Today's bunch would throw a troll like me out after two posts. Or even one.
In fact, I didn't really write this for members of DU; I wrote it for any Lurker-Freepers here, and baited them in with the headline. It's the only way to get in touch with the powers that be over there, because their mods always hide behind the filing cabinets when anyone tries to tell them anything to their faces.
If anybody in Freeperville is here and has any acess to Rimjob or the other moderators there, please pass along my request to be reinstated so I can again give you poor fools the benefit of my more intelligent insight. The name's Hidy. I KNOW they remember me.
Meanwhile, I'm going to go back and see how smart-mouthed I was back when I was Converse Lee, or Glutius Minibus, and others.
What a good time I'm having!