They gave him an ovation for his words. He was telling them to get to work.
It was internet message boards who took the words out of context and twisted the meaning."Presidential candidate John Kerry attempted Monday to light a fire under a lethargic Democratic Party that he said had gotten lazy the past few years.
"Addressing party activists at a luncheon at Claflin University, the Massachusetts senator urged the party faithful to go out and fight for their beliefs.
"'The way to do it is to get mad, to get angry, to get active, to get out there and get off your ...,' he said to prolonged cheers, without completing the thought. 'Get going.'
"Kerry's sermonette was prompted by a questioner dismayed by the outcome of the 2000 presidential election won by George W. Bush and the drubbing Democrats took in the 2002 election. "Bush lost the popular vote to Democrat Al Gore, but captured the electoral vote after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the GOP's favor by denying a vote recount in Florida.
"'Just because the Supreme Court made the wrong decision in 2000 doesn't mean we have to live with it for the next six years,' Kerry said."