Ohmigosh, we can't support any of these Democrats even if we liked them before this because HE mentioned their names favorably during an interview!
AL FROM: Obviously Barack Obama will have to answer for himself on that. But I think the kind of speech he delivered at the Democratic National Convention, that was grounded in both opportunity and personal responsibility, is exactly at the core of what I think the Democratic Party is about. And I think Barack Obama is a future star of this party. He's just been elected to the United States Senate, so he's got a long future in front of him. But he is clearly a future star of this party.
AL FROM: ...This week I was with Mark Warner, governor of Virginia, a red state.
AL FROM: Yes. We lost races in the South, no question about it, but we also have won a lot of gubernatorial elections in red states. People like Janet Napolitano and Bill Richardson.... And Kathleen Sebelius in Kansas. I mean, these are candidates,mostly New Democrats, who would abide by what I call the New Democrat philosophy, who have done very well in the red states.
AL FROM: I think that if Hillary ran, obviously she'd be a very strong candidate in 2008, for the nomination and to win the White House. But I think it's a little early to start speculating about 2008.
http://www.ndol.org/ndol_ci.cfm?contentid=253060&kaid=86&subid=84Dammit, and I thought Wes Clark was the DLC choice for 08, just because a Clarkhating twit told me so.