Neil Abercrombie for Senate
The Sushi Bandit
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Sat Jun-18-05 10:48 PM
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Neil Abercrombie for Senate |
Edited on Sat Jun-18-05 10:49 PM by The Sushi Bandit
Time to get the others out... they are not good for Hawai'i anymore. Selling their votes to Republicans for defence spending and Alaska Oil.
Oh, and Ed Case must go too! a Repuke in sheeps clothing
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Sat Jun-18-05 11:59 PM
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If so.. I hope he wins! :applause:
The Sushi Bandit
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Sun Jun-19-05 03:46 PM
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Sun Jun-19-05 12:09 AM
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2. Both Hawaii senators voted against the Iraq War |
And until the Patrick Henry club started measuring them on their narrow minded scale, they were perceived as having pretty liberal voting records. Inouye is getting up there in age and probably will retire when his term is up. Abercrombie can run for Senate then.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:41 AM
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