Because one would have different statements to make to a Senator than one would have to make to a news organzation: I split the message in two ...
To Our Congress Members,
I am a proud citizen of these United States of America, and I find it imperative to contact each and every one of you now. Our nation is on the wrong path in so many ways. The most critical fault is the loss of our national integrity. It is absolutely imperative that our leaders be HONEST with the nation's citizens, in all aspects of the execution of the responsibilities of their respective offices. Their is strong evidence that the nation's leaders at the top rank have consistently and intentionally lied to us. Not only did they lie, but their cynical manipulations of information have led our nation into a path of death and destruction without justification. I am no shrinking violet, and I do not fear justifiable war, where and when it is absolutely necessary but to have our own leaders purposely fabricate the context for war, and lead to the resulting loss of patriotic blood and national treasure is simply unforgivable.
Those of you who refuse to seek the truth of this and other matters shall be a party to this deception. The blood shall also be on YOUR hands, if you do nothing to seek the truth.
There is no free lunch in these matters: DO YOUR DUTY !
We, as a nation of dedicated citizens, demand that you propery manage the affairs of our great nation, and maintain the honor and integrity that our founding fathers fought so hard to achieve. Do them justice, and investigate, in full public view, and within the halls of our government, the possibility that our top leaders have deceived the citizens of this nation, and squandered the lives and fortune of so many good americans.
It is imperative that you do this: Your honor is at stake.
To Our News Media,
"Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people": Hugo Black, Justice of the United States Supreme Court, 1937 - 1971
As Justice Black relates, "And PARAMOUNT among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people".
It is your DUTY to report to US when the government or ANY of it's officials are deceiving US.
The Downing Street Minutes, which have been accepted by the british government as authentic, show a pattern of deception used by our government to force our great nation into an unjustifiable war.
It is WRONG for our free press to ignore this. It is your DUTY to report it.
Do your duty. Your nation needs you.