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Would you vote for a Democratic who wasn't a member of the CBC?

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Senior citizen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 04:49 PM
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Poll question: Would you vote for a Democratic who wasn't a member of the CBC?

I'm getting plumb tuckered out with Democratic presidential candidates who always seem to sit down on the job just when we need them to stand up for us. I think we need a leader from among those who have always stood up for us, and that means a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. While I'd prefer John Conyers or Maxine Waters, any of the rest of the valiant CBC leaders would do fine. What about you? Not that our votes count unless we can get rid of Diebold and ES&S, but just pretend that they did.....
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KeepItReal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 04:57 PM
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1. Conyers and the CBC just want Congress to do the right thing
They don't have to be in it for the power/position of the Presidency.

The fact that they don't run for the Prez slot gives even more credibility to the work they do.

Would I be in the Conyers camp if he ran for Prez? Hell yes! Do I think he even needs to run? Not necessarily. He is accomplishing more as a Minority member of Congress than some/most sitting Democratic Senators...
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genius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 05:04 PM
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2. Can't answer it. I'll vote for Kucinich but not for Dean.
Edited on Sun Jun-19-05 05:05 PM by genius
I'm tired of selling out just to support the Party. They can either nominate someone with my values or lose my vote. Last year we convinced everyone to trust Kerry and then we had to apologize. I won't do that again. Dean is for the death penalty and the WTO and is against universal health care. I won't vote for that. His attack on RAy McGovern, a real hero, shows that he needs to think before he takes a stand on issues.

The liberal members of the CBC would also get my vote.
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Senior citizen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 05:46 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Sorry, I should have put them separately.

But thanks for posting. I wish I had never posted this poll. With the results so far, I'm afraid--I'm VERY afraid. After the debacle of Gore silencing Maxine Waters instead of signing her protest against the fraudulent Florida vote (he did it in a spirit of bipartisanship, a bipartisanship the pukes have laughed at ever since), and Kerry conceding in the middle of a recount after he'd promised not to, most of the people in this poll would vote for ANY Democratic candidate--even one they know would sell us down the river.

This is by far the most frightening response I've even seen on DU. Would any of the people who say they'd vote for whoever is the Democratic candidate, please post their reasons, if they have any reasons? Somehow, all these years, I'd thought blind loyalty to party was the domain of the repukes. Haven't we learned that it isn't enough for us to elect someone, they also have to fight to make our votes count so that they can take office? What if the next Democratic candidate for president is Skull and Bones? Please don't tell me that the majority of DUers are "my party, right or wrong."

Right now I'm heavily invested in the movement for open source voting, verifiable voting, and clean elections. Am I wasting my time, because if we get clean elections, the DLC will just give us a Democratic candidate who favors the puke agenda and everyone will vote for them because they don't belong to the Republican party? They certainly have enough DINOs to choose from.

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