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A plea from a soldier in Iraq regarding riding "shotgun" for contractors

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kitkat65 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 10:02 PM
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A plea from a soldier in Iraq regarding riding "shotgun" for contractors
This is from and since there is no date I'm not sure how old or current it is...

A Plea for Help

The following is a letter written by a soldier stationed in Iraq concerning the role of private contractors in Iraq:

Dear friends and family members -

I need your help here in Iraq. How can you who are way over there help me way over here well let me tell you how.

For those of you not aware, the US military is not the only US organization that is functioning over here in Iraq. A large US contractor called KBR (Kellog, Brown, and Root), a daughter company of Halliburton (once run by VP Dick Cheney), is operating on every US base in Iraq. KBR manages many of the solider services that we have here on the base; things like running the food service, waste disposal, pumping the latrines, laundry services, movement and control, and the central distribution center. KBR is also scheduled to take over all fuel hauling and freight hauling in general. When things started to heat up earlier this month KBR put a hold on taking over hauling operations. Now that things are seeming to come back under some control KBR is looking at taking over again.

Now I know you are asking yourself what in the world this has to do with you.

Let me explain... KBR is now requesting, and the army is allowing, US soldiers to ride "shot gun" in KBR convoys hauling KBR goods all over Iraq. KBR is afraid to be out on the roads alone and want our US soldiers to risk their lives riding shot gun for their missions. KBR is currently staffed by mainly non US international personnel along with a growing number of Iraqis. Most do not speak English, none have had military training on defensive driving, proper convoy operations, avoiding ambushes, navigating around IED's, proper procedure for calling in support or medivac or fire support, procedures to follow after taking enemy fire, the list goes on. These drivers are simply paid drivers that are making roughly 5 -8 times our wages and get paid whether the freight arrives or not. KBR is requesting that US soldiers risk their lives at the hands of inexperienced and improperly trained individuals to provide them with security. Now there is no doubt that we need to protect KBR's missions but we have suggested and to date have been denied the opportunity to run the convoys with properly modified and equipped military vehicles. We have suggested that we run in the convoys with every third vehicle being a US Army gun truck with proper drivers and fire support. With this arrangement KBR can still haul the freight in their vehicles but we would run the mission and deal with any situations as they develop the way we have been trained to. This is the only way that most of us want the missions to be run, the others are just afraid to be opposed to the decisions our leadership is making.

Here is where you come in. out of a desire to honor the oath we took upon entering the army we do not want to disobey a direct order if and when the order comes for us to ride with KBR. We do however want to make all the lawmakers and politicians aware of the danger we are being unnecessarily exposed to on these missions. Our hope is that each of our friends and loved ones back home will take a few minutes and send out emails to any local, state, and US congressman and senators and demand that they require the US military to stop this practice of allowing US troops in KBR vehicles.

The only ones who have the power to force the military to honor the wishes of the people are the lawmakers and politicians. So please take a moment and send a letter or email to one of your senators or congressman and ask or demand that they inquire into this matter and demand that it cease.

As of this writing 3rd Platoon of the 283rd TC (my unit) is currently running these missions. We have been warned that it is only a matter of time and my whole unit will be running these missions. If nothing is done back home then more soldiers and myself in particular will be placed in unnecessary danger.

Please help.

Thank you for your time and help. I miss you all and look forward to seeing you all again upon my return. Please keep myself and my wife and my sons in your hearts and in your prayers.
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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 10:07 PM
Response to Original message
1. Bushit
The US army is now the security force of the corporation plain and simple..... paid by the taxpayers...... for the benefits of the corporation.
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bahrbearian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 10:09 PM
Response to Original message
2. WTF
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LibertyorDeath Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 10:45 PM
Response to Original message
3. "Private Warriors"

- This Week: "Private Warriors" (60min.),
Tuesday, Jun. 21 at 9pm on PBS (check local listings)
- Inside FRONTLINE: A first encounter with the private side of the
Iraq war
- Live Discussion: Chat with producer/correspondent Martin Smith this
Wed. at 11 am ET


+ This week

There is a story in Iraq that I'd call 'the elephant in the room' - the
huge role of private contractors in the war effort. There are as many as
100,000 civilian contractors and approximately 20,000 private security
forces in the country. In "Private Warriors," our report this Tuesday,
you will get an eye-opening look behind the scenes at the Halliburton
subsidiary, KBR, the largest company running U.S. military supply lines
and operating U.S. military bases. You'll also enter the world of the
private security firms that are performing many military functions. The
tension between these security teams and the military is just one
simmering and largely unreported problem in the private side of this
war. The problem is reflected in an incident that didn't make it into
the film, but which producer/correspondent Martin Smith shared with me:

"It didn't take long for our story to slap us in the face. We had just
arrived in Kuwait and were driving to Camp Arijan, southwest of Kuwait
City. It's a major staging area for the Iraq war. Captain David Tippett
would be greeting us somewhere outside the first checkpoint to clear us
in. Tippett's a guy a lot of journalists know well as he has helped
hundreds move through Kuwait and over the border into Iraq ever since
the early days of the war. He's a savvy public affairs officer, and I
knew we were in good hands.

But, just outside the main base gates we hit a long line of trucks.
Tippett is on the phone telling us to skip the line and meet him at the
gate. We pull out of the line-up and move down the left lane. But, out
of nowhere, two black Suburbans with tinted windows bear down on us
forcing us onto the left shoulder. Armed guards jump out.

The guards work for a Fort Worth, Texas private security company CSA
(Combat Support Associates), which, I learn, has the contract to protect
the base. We get Tippett on the phone to get these guys off our backs.
But the fun and games were just beginning. By the time we get to the
gate and shake hands with the captain, we're already late and our first
appointment on the base is threatening to cancel. We get out of our car
and march over deep gravel up to a small trailer park of offices to get
our ID's.

Next, I hear Tippett begin to raise his voice at one of the CSA guards,
"They are my guests, they are approved." Our names are not on the list
of visitors. Tippett wants the guard to call an army officer on base but
the guard refuses. It's an army base; Tippett is a captain.

By now, Tippett is yelling, "This is an army base! These are my guests!
Call the base commander!"

"We don't do that," says the CSA guard.

"Well, goddamn it, what if a bomb went off out here? You wouldn't call
the base commander?" asks Tippett.

"We don't talk with the army. We call our office," replies the guard.

There's always a silver lining. Because I'm thinking it could be part
of our story. We can't even get onto an army base with an army escort.
Then, in the middle of Tippett's argument, sirens go off. We're told,
"You gotta go, the dog sat down." We're herded, along with hundreds of
imported laborers also waiting to get onto the base, out into the desert
.. a few hundred yards away from the gate. We stand for an hour or two
under a rising desert sun. One of the K-9's sniffed explosives and, as
trained, sat down. We never did get on the base that day."


We hope you'll join us Tuesday night for "Private Warriors" and after,
explore our web site for more on the consequences of outsourcing the
war, a closer look at the contractors who've been hired, and "Baghdad
>From A Bullet Proof Window" -- a vivid report from producers Martin
Smith and Marcela Gaviria describing the dramatic changes they saw on
this most recent reporting trip to Iraq. Plus, watch their report again
online and, take the opportunity to express your opinion about it at

Finally, a note: "Private Warriors" concludes FRONTLINE's 23rd
broadcast season. We'll be back in September with a new line-up of
reports. Meanwhile, check your local tv listings over the summer for
rebroadcasts and go to our Web site where 50 video streamed programs
can be viewed online.

Louis Wiley Jr.
Executive Editor
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TexasLinda Donating Member (283 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 12:11 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Thanks for the heads up.
I've posted an alert to a couple of websites and I'm set to record the show. Also read "The Other U.S. Military", BusinessWeek Online, May 31, 2004,
Military personnel swear an oath to defend the Constitution and are responsible to the American people. To whom are the civilian contractors responsible? Where are their loyalties? It's bad enough that we don't give our military commanders the resources they need; now they have to contend with armed thugs they have no authority over. And what does this do for recruitment? How do you convince a young soldier to reenlist when they can do the same thing for four times the salary by becoming a civilian contractor?
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LibertyorDeath Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 12:18 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Anytime . Welcome to DU TexasLinda !
Thanks for the link.
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TexasLinda Donating Member (283 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 11:57 AM
Response to Reply #5
11. check local PBS listings
Go to to check local TV listings for this show. I discovered that it's airing at 1:00 AM Wednesday in Corpus Christi, Texas. Heaven forbid they show something like this in prime time.

The alert has been placed on the home page of the Texas Democratic Women,
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cyberpj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 01:08 PM
Response to Reply #3
15. Would you consider reposting this info as a main topic?
I've already set my Tivo for this show but others may not be aware of it yet and your post has great additional info.

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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 11:20 PM
Response to Original message
4. Illegal wars for the benefit of stockholders. Poor folk in America, pay ..
.... with their lives, given that serving in the private military of the corporatista neoconster war business (formally, the military of the USA) is their only option for bread and shelter.


"... we sent our young people into harm's way without leveling with the American people." - Congresswoman Pelosi before Congress, 16 June 2005

Peace. - Impeachment of Bush and Cheney; indictment and prosecution of all members of the Bush regime who participated in the deception, should be campaign promises of any candidate worthy of our vote in the 2006 Congressional elections.
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zulchzulu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 12:22 AM
Response to Original message
7. Turning a patriotic soldier forcefully into a hired mercenary
I would suggest that some congressperson or Senator ask for Equal Mercenary Pay. If KBR staff are making 5 times the amount of a soldier and the soldier is forced to be a mercenary and "ride shotgun", then that soldier AND his/her unit need to paid the same amount, have the same bedding quarters and not have to go into combat.

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Pooka Fey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 03:17 AM
Response to Original message
8. God help our troops, because the U.S.A. is fucking them over hard.
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Karenina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 03:25 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. Yup.
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AmBlue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 10:10 AM
Response to Original message
10. This is somewhat dated
I remember reading this maybe six months ago, however, it may well be just as relevant or even moreso today. It'd be good to hear from someone who knows or maybe we all can do some further digging over at
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bettyellen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 12:10 PM
Response to Original message
12. kick!
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Serial Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 12:16 PM
Response to Original message
13. Sad - we pay our soldiers
a tiny portion of what KBR execs make and what they pay their people!

So a soldier making about $21,000 / yr has to protect the KBR people making that same amount in a couple months (or a couple days if you are a CEO or officer of the corporation)?

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WillyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 01:02 PM
Response to Original message
14. Kick !!!
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