David Franke
...Which brings us to that "awful" thing he did in his concession speech in Iowa. Am I the only person in America who can't comprehend what was wrong with it? It was a pep rally with his followers, for goodness sake, and he was letting them know they weren't going to accept this as a defeat and how much he appreciated what they had gone through together. It wasn't a tirade of a mad man, it was a real man caught up in the moment, and bonding with his mostly young and very enthusiastic and idealistic fans. As a native Texan, I even liked the whoop at the end. Heck, we whoop more than that at the contra dances I go to every weekend.
Is this what it comes down to – that we accept a president who lies us into war for his hidden agendas, and who harms the American people in countless other ways, because he piously mouths all these platitudes about God and country, and turn against a man who refuses to give a concession speech (which is what the press wanted) and turns it into a pep rally?...
Have we, as a people, become so scripted and controlled ourselves, that we actually want that in our politicians? After all, we have gone through decades of conditioning by the television moguls – we laugh when they tell us to laugh, with their sound tracks. We don't laugh, and certainly don't laugh hysterically, just because it really hits us as funny. And have we become so conditioned by bland suburban "values," not to mention political correctness, which really comes down to – in the end – "don't do anything that will make people think you are different"?
Which brings me to the matter of Judy Dean. Last night I watched Diane Sawyer's Primetime interview of her and her husband, the first time ever that she's been on television, and I fell in love with her. She's as human as her husband. Not a mannequin for her husband, like Mamie or Jackie or Laura (and especially Hillary). These are two people very private people (very New Englandish in a Calvin Coolidge sort of way, and he's one of my heros), who really pay attention to family first rather than preach about it...