Edwards was very good. My wife says she can see IT in his eyes and compares him to RFK.
Wolf had his full whore on. He was reading straight from a White House memo it seemed to me.
Edwards on the WP article calling for full disclosure "That paper doesn't make the law" He says he has the highest compliance rate of any candidate ( :shrug: ) and says that he does list the names and occupations of donors (no lobbyists no PACs) Wolf either wasn't listening....no he was listening he just ignored it, ~"but will you list what these people do for a living?" Edwards eyes squinted as if "Didn't you hear what I just said?" adn repeated that they already do.
Wolf:"President Bush says you will raise taxes" (uh Wolf any detial on what taxes and to whom?) Edwards says that he will not increase the tax on those making less than $200K and will "help them out" -tuition, healthcare,etc. Wolf:"Then whose taxes would you raise?!?!?" Edwards...."those making more than $200K" (duh Wolf). This is where he went into talking about how the trickle down has not worked and that the middle class is the backbone of the economy.
Edwards also said that W has done NOTHING about the Healthcare crisis-Wolf "But what about the Medicare bill?!!??!" Edwards states that it was a pay off to W's donors and that a great opportunity was missed.
Very good performance. The Defense of Marriage act answer was the same as the debate Edwards said "It isn't necessary".