of Reason over Faith. This has been a fundamental human conflict for centuries, and a very bloody one. The Bush presidency in some ways is a reaction against the ascendancy of Science in the 20th century. Bush uses Faith like a weapon, and not just Faith in God, but Faith in Bush. Ignore the evidence and believe in what I say.
Dean made several references this morning that he is a doctor and a scientist, and derided Bush for making policy decisions based on theology and ideology. Dean has said before that when Bush has a theory and some facts come along that disagree with it, Bush throws out the facts and keeps his theory. As a Doctor and scientist, when Dean has a theory and some facts come along that disagree with it, he throws out the theory (of course, this would open him up to that damning charge of "flip-flopping"; how dare he!).
As science propels us ever more quickly into the 21st century, this conflict between Faith and Reason can get a lot worse. Radical Islamic fundamentalism is to me a reaction and a rebellion against the modern world. Like Bush, they want to turn back the clock on human progress to a world where we don't question, we just believe. Howard Dean looks at a problem like a scientist: questioning, examining the evidence, and developing solutions. He sees things as they clearly are.
Howard Dean believes that the human condition can be improved by people themselves. Bush believes that the best way for a person to solve their problems is to get on their knees and pray.