He was crying! It was pathetic. I listened to slant head and loofa boy today just to make myself toss my cookies... great diet.
I wrote to Durbin - Here is what I said (I was being nice.)
Respectfully, Honorable Senator Durban,
Although not from Illinois, I am a Democrat. I am 48 years old, a mother and have voted in every election since I was 18. I have to tell you that I am deeply disappointed that you apologized for your comments regarding the analogy of our policies regarding the treatment of HUMAN BEINGS in Guantanamo Bay.
Where are the apologies from the Neo-Cons? I have never heard an apology for fixing the global warming report to be in step with the Bush administration. I have heard no apology from the Swift Vote Vets for Truth, although they lied for 6 months about John Kerry.
To apologize weakens our party. You were correct in your first statement and now you break at the knees when some pressure is placed upon you from the GOP. This saddens me.
The republicans are guilty of numerous offenses, including placing Jeff Gannon in the West Wing as a fake journalist and writing his material for him so he could ask phony questions during press conferences - directly to the president.
They are guilty of having fake "Hometown Meetings" where no democrats were allowed to ask questions or even attend. They lied and are lying about Social Security, the war in Iraq, their link to Saudi Arabia and how 15 of the 19 terrorists that attacked the USA on 9/11 were Saudi's, not Iraqi's -- Not one of them was from Iraq. Scott McClellan is a professional liar who wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the head.
Senator Durban... Please do not back down to these liars and remember, all of us, even here in California, are watching C-Span and reading global papers... We hope for a change and it can not come too soon. Unlike George W. Bush and his dismantling of the Constitution, WE ARE INTELLECTUALLY CURIOUS! We want our troops home and we want an "EXIT STRATEGERY"
Senator Durban -- Please do not succumb to the far right agenda, which is fascist in nature. They want to destroy the constitution and are willing to do anything to silence the media.
Back Howard Dean and remember, you are in a war against tyranny. Not from the Osama bin Laden's of the world but from our own internal sickness. We are afraid out here and we need you to stand up against the lies and the deception.
Respectfully, A pissed off democrat in California