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"Gitmo abuse is absurd" (in my local paper)

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
carrowsboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-22-05 10:53 PM
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"Gitmo abuse is absurd" (in my local paper)
Air-conditioning, 3 squares a day...why it sounds just like the Sheraton...with cages, of course!

"Comments on Gitmo Subvert U.S. Security

Editor, Times-Dispatch: The recent uproar regarding the Guantanamo Bay detention facility is bordering on absurd. When it was only the left-leaning Amnesty International calling it a gulag, the charges were laughable. But now that prominent U.S. Senators and the mainstream media are seeking to embarrass our President at the expense of our national security, the situation is, indeed, troubling.

Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat from Illinois, compared the facility to both Soviet gulags and Nazi concentration camps, as now widely reported
on al-Jazeera and the other Arab media outlets. One thing must be clear: To compare Gitmo to gulags or concentration camps, one must be either ignorant of history or intentionally subversive of American national security.

The combatants held at Guantanamo are kept in air-conditioned facilities, receive three square meals a day, and hear Muslim prayers played over the facility's loudspeakers five times a day. Their other religious customs are honored and, when there are exceptions, the culpable American guards are punished.

It is time for everyone in this country to choose which side he or she is on in this fight -- and it is just that. We should treat these men humanely but be allowed to make them uncomfortable, deprive them of sleep, and utilize most measures necessary to prevent the next catastrophe on American soil. To do otherwise may be suicidal. Jeff Galanti. richmond."
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Mythsaje Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-22-05 11:05 PM
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1. And we must do that
in the most secretive manner possible.
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orleans Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-22-05 11:25 PM
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2. Dinnnnnneeerrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

"For Sunday, they're going to be having -- let me see -- orange glazed chicken, fresh fruit grupe, steamed peas and mushrooms, rice pilaf -- another form of torture for the hijackers," Hunter said.

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