I thought this was a rather good summation of the whole deal. I'm told this guy is a Conservative. Gee, he sounds too reasonable. Is he? Maybe a paleo-Conservative, eh? Anybody read this guy on a regualar basis?
http://www.balloon-juice.com/archives/005513.html"Durbin Wrap Up
So Senator Durbin was forced to go to the well of the Senate to offer up a blubbering 'apolocorrection' after being cut off at the knees by Mayor Daley of Chicago. This was his second attempt to apologize for telling the truth while employing a poor rhetorical strategy, and not surprisingly, while the apology is good enough for the always principled Lt. Smash, it still ain't good enough for our friends at Powerline:
Senator Dick Durbin characterizes his incessant imputation of heinous misconduct to the American military as "a very poor choice of words": "Sen. Durbin apologizes for Gitmo remarks." Does he retract his comparison of our soldiers to mass murdering Nazis and Communists? The answer, the Minneapolis Star Tribune will be happy to know, is "no."
Hugh Hewitt, of course, is not accepting this apology, either:
Dick Durbin's appearance on the floor of the Senate for yet another attempt at clarification included the word "apologize," but it was not an apology."