They care about huge national debts. How else would they be able to properly market cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Public Education and Public Television???
They care that votes aren't counted and elections rigged. Face it - if Americans votes counted, America could tilt DANGEROULY close to DEMOCRACY!!!
They care that the U.S. condones torture. This is why the current administration reviles the UN, international extradition agreements, the Geneva Conventions and the International Court of Justice. Without these policies, Americans MIGHT be held responsible for WAR CRIMES or CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!
They care that our rights are being whittled away daily. They need the population docile and compliant. They need cannon fodder for the WoT, and they need it NOW, damnit!!!
They care if your medical and library records are read by government agents. How else are they to know if you haev been reading samizdat...oops - I mean subversive literature, Comrade?
They care if a government agent enters your home without notice or reason, because only then will government agents know if you are a terrorist or agent of a foreign or democratically elected government.
They care that Congressman are taking payola from contractors and lobbyists in exchange for contracts and legislation, because otherwise, how else would they get funding???
They care about clean air and water. Many visit oxygen bars regularly, most live in suburban areas free of smog and pollution...Hell...many of them own shares in companies that SELL clean drinking water!!!
They care about smearing a good person's name for political gain. They care so much that they are becoming best known for the practice!!!
They care about killing thousands of innocents, as well as the brain dead and cellular, but War is Hell and Collateral Damage is unavoidable when you use 500 lb. bombs to take out single houses and wedding parties.
They care about the right of dissent - they encourage it, as a matter of policy - how else can you know who to ARREST???
They care about the law. If you don't know EVERYTHING you can about the law, how can you possible abrogate, bend and pervert justice LEGALLY?