John Kerry issued the following statement today: Time for a Policy Wake-Up Call on China
"China presents America with a great opportunity and a great challenge, and what we do now is going to decide the future of our relationship. But on too many policies we're failing to act. From competitiveness to trade to currency to tax policy to foreign-held debt, the Administration is digging a hole and they have no plan to get America out of it.
"Today, we don't enforce trade laws with China, and as a result counterfeiting and piracy of American products is rampant. Our tax code rewards companies that locate in China instead of America. China is systematically manipulating its currency for competitive advantage. We're piling up federal debt, substantially funded by China, and due back with interest from our children.
"And while the Chinese plan and invest in communications, transportation, research, development, education and advanced manufacturing technologies, we have no plan. We're reducing funding in basic science, graduating fewer engineers and burdening our business with massive health care costs. It is a worrisome sign that Bill Gates has called our high schools 'obsolete. . . even when they're working exactly as designed.' It is equally worrisome that we're cutting investment in research and science - the same kind of research that gave us everything from the mammogram to the microchip and the Internet. There is no question that we need a massive realignment of our domestic priorities.
"Simply, there is no question that we need to immediately and fundamentally change the way we approach, negotiate with and do business with China."