So, I equate the collective consciousness of the sheeple to that of an alcoholic or benzodiazepine abuser.
The sheeple represent the effect of drug/alcohol induced sedation on the brain.
The sedative effect is induced by jingoist slogans they can recite over and over, the belief they can claim to be righteous folks without having to do much more than paste a bumper sticker on their car, the numbing MSM that doesn't report real news and the satisfaction of being presided over by someone that is "just like them" (in other words, not smart).
We, the non-sheeple, represent the RAS, reticular activating system, of the brain.
Simply put, the RAS is the awake/aware part of our nervous system.
In an alcoholic/drug abuser, DT's are caused because the RAS has been unnaturally suppressed for so long, when the sedation is removed, it goes haywire.
So tremors, seizures, hallucinations et. al. ensue.
We are the RAS, pounding away at the sedation, finding it almost impossible to break through...however, when the sheeple really begin to wake up, and turn away from their numbing addictions, there will be collective delirium tremors from the WH to Main Street.
It is essential for all of us to understand....we are seeing the beginning of withdrawals, and a lot of people are about to go haywire.
The good news is that with supportive therapy,(strong, steady leadership from both sides of the aisle)and the power of the human will(a unified desire to rid ourselves of the toxins of the current WH administration), we can come out stronger and healthier.
Those DT's can be a bitch, though. MKJ