There's a reason why I use this man's face for my icon now! couple of more stories to bring to your attention. The Knight Ridder news service has done exemplarary work on this issue, running several early and useful articles. Today, they ran another good article, detailing how the American public is souring on the war. They included a particularly good passage ridiculing the White House press office dismissing my investigation, since I voted against military action in the first place: "Did you catch the irony? Conyers has no credibility to challenge the president's actions toward Iraq, the White House argues, because Conyers has opposed the war from the beginning. Yet just a few months ago, the Bush people ridiculed Sen. John Kerry because Kerry allegedly supported the war before being against it - remember all the giddy supporters chanting ``Flip-flop! Flip-flop!''
I also would point out a great opinion piece in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer entitled "Bush's pre-emptive war pre-empted Congress." Everyone of you who submits pieces like this to their local media, is doing a valuable service in keeping this critical issue in the public eye.
I am working on follow up to the hearing, and hope to have more to share with you next week.