Krugman: “It's crucial that those responsible for the war be held to account”
23 June 2005
Paul Krugman makes some straight up points about democracy, Iraq, the Downing Street Memo and the shifting public opinion of the Bush administration and the Iraq war. Here’s some quips…
Leading the nation wrongfully into war strikes at the heart of democracy. It would have been an unprecedented abuse of power even if the war hadn't turned into a military and moral quagmire. And we won't be able to get out of that quagmire until we face up to the reality of how we got in.
The administration has prevented any official inquiry into whether it hyped the case for war. But there's plenty of circumstantial evidence that it did.
And then there's the Downing Street Memo - actually the minutes of a prime minister's meeting in July 2002 - in which the chief of British overseas intelligence briefed his colleagues about his recent trip to Washington.