(Was this one of "Jimmy-Jeff's Buddies" or contacts in the WH...hmmmm and he's being considered against the wishes of the Christian Righ...what about Mehlman? How many more appointees might have had contact with Jimmy/Jeff and going all the way back to Texas. What about McClellan in that Texas bar. This Administration is so OTT in it's hypocracy)
The Gay AideNew York Daily News gossip columnists George Rush and Joanna Molloy publicly out White House aide Israel Hernandez this morning: "President Bush isn't letting potential howls from the Christian right stop him from nominating an openly gay man as assistant secretary of commerce. . . .
"The 35-year-old Republican go-getter has been a Bush acolyte since the President's 1994 campaign for governor of Texas. (Among Hernandez's duties was supplying the candidate with breath mints, prompting Dubya to dub him 'Altoid Boy.'). . . .
"One source tells us Hernandez waited until Bush was sworn in for a second term to formally tell him he is gay. By then, says a source, he'd brought his partner to several official events.
"Hernandez appeared yesterday before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Asked by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) if he'd like to introduce anyone, Hernandez mentioned his sister, mother and father."