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Republicans already blaming liberals for inevitable Iraq loss.

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Inland Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:03 AM
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Republicans already blaming liberals for inevitable Iraq loss.
It's really all they have left--fixing blame for the loss now seen as inevitable

The question of how to win is left too vague for the republicans to get behind, the question of when to give up is off the table, the question of supporting the war in its present cost in military readiness and money is too horrific for taxpayers and potential draftees to contemplate.

Nothing left to do but cry treason as the reason for the loss that everyone sees coming down the road.

Iraq is like Vietnam, not in length and cost, but in there is nothing left but grabbing the issue for history. Did you see how Vietnam suddenly became the liberals fault for protesting it? How Kerry, the only candidate to actually aid the Vietnam war effort, got blamed for being a wimp and for losing it? How Moore is the new Fonda? How Rove blames the liberals for wanting to talk to the enemy--as his own pentagon is in talks with insurgent groups to address their demands? After the election where Kerry was accused of taking part in the secret Paris peace talks with North Vietnam? How the theme of traitorous, weak liberals made Bush the war hero and Kerry the goat, and excised the national unity after 9/11 for going into Afghanistan from the minds of Rovian dirtbags everywhere?

These people wanted a return to the fifties, and they are working hard on it by de-learning all the lessons from Vietnam to present.
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Totally Committed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:05 AM
Response to Original message
1. A very astute observation!
I totally agree with you. This is a happening thing, for sure. Thank you vor voicing this concern so well!

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pie Donating Member (782 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:06 AM
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2. Liberman will be the first to demand an apology from the Dems
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Tesla Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:08 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Liberman can..
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kentuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:07 AM
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3. But, have they ever accepted responsibility for anything??
They want even admit they lied to get us into this war, now that it is obvious to everyone.
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Inland Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:11 AM
Response to Reply #3
7. It's not even failing to accept responsibility.
It's actually making the out of power, ignored and generally spot on liberals responsible.

Pretending the war was lost not because the mistakes made, or because it wasn't a good idea in the first place, but because someone actually took public note of the mistakes and bad ideas.

Cure: Shut up the dissenters once and for all and we'll never lose another war.
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AX10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:08 AM
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5. We all knew this was coming.
And Country "Music" will again reassert it's role as the official propaganda "entertainment", just as it first asserted that role after 1970. Country Music used to be populist and appeal to a broad crowd of people. Modern Country, however is just a bunch of right wing corporatist propaganda.
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quaoar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:12 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. Check out this group called Drive By Truckers
Mary Alice had a baby and he looked just like I did
We got married on a Monday and I been working ever since
Every week down at the Ford Plant but now they say they're shutting down
Goddamned Reagan in the White House and no one there gives a damn

Double Digit unemployment, TVA be shutting soon
While over there in Huntsville, They puttin' people on the moon

So I took to runnin' numbers for this man I used to know
And I sell a few narcotics and I sell a little blow
I ain't getting rich now but I'm gettin' more than by
It's really tough to make a living but a man just got to try

If I died in Colbert County, Would it make the evening news?
They too busy blowin' rockets, Puttin' people on the moon

Mary Alice quit askin' why I do the things I do
I ain't sayin' that she likes it, but what else I'm gonna do?
If I could solve the world's problems I'd probably start with hers and mine
But they can put a man on the moon
And I'm stuck in Muscle Shoals just barely scraping by

Mary Alice got cancer just like everybody here
Seems everyone I know is gettin' cancer every year
And we can't afford no insurance, I been 10 years unemployed
So she didn't get no chemo so our lives was destroyed
And nothin' ever changes, the cemetery gets more full
And now over there in Huntsville, even NASA's shut down too

Another Joker in the White House, said a change was comin' round
But I'm still workin' at The Wal Mart and Mary Alice, in the ground
And all them politicians, they all lyin' sacks of shit
They say better days upon us but I'm sucking left hind tit
And the preacher on the TV says it ain't too late for me
But I bet he drives a Cadillac and I'm broke with some hungry mouths to feed

I wish I'z still an outlaw, was a better way of life
I could clothe and feed my family still have time to love my pretty wife
And if you say I'm being punished. Ain't he got better things to do?
Turnin' mountains into oceans Puttin' people on the moon

Turnin' mountains into oceans Puttin' people on the moon
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getmeouttahere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:10 AM
Response to Original message
6. That last sentence sums it up for me....
perpetual war, destruction of the social safety net, regression of rights AND a return to the "good old days" which was an illusion for the most part anyway.
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CoffeeCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:23 AM
Response to Original message
9. You're totally right....
Your observations are very astute.

It's obvious that they're shifting into blame-liberals-mode. I've been listening to right-wingnut radio lately--and they're touting this message. All of them.

I heard Hannity last week--say that the liberals lost Vietnam for America. He said our protests ruined everything, and now we're gearing up to do the same in Iraq.

What's totally evident--is that right-wingnut radio takes its marching orders from the White House. They've been told to squelch dissent by positioning war protesters are traitors and America bashers.

Since Bush's polls are tanking, and support for the war is diminishing--they need scapegoats. They need to define the protest movement. They need to rationalize their failure and avoid accountability. They also understand that massive protests are on the way.

What a sick bunch of defectives.

Inland--your initial analysis explains why Rove made his "liberals wanted to understand the terrorists comments" too. Rove is making war opponents look like friends of the enemy--anti-American traitors who love terrorists. Amid falling support for the war, Rove is attempting to shore up the numbers by dehumanizing and disparaging the other side.

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DBoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 09:38 AM
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10. "Stabbed in the back" on the home front
I hate to invoke Godwin's law, but this has been done before (speaking of the German defeat in WWI):

This ambiguity lived on as memory was constructed after the war. On the one hand there were those who took pride in the army's achievements and who attributed its defeat to the enemy's superiority in numbers and armaments, particularly the tanks, as well as the poor quality of Germany's allies. Others claimed that the army had been betrayed. It was a profound tragedy that the latter group prevailed and by perpetrating the legend of the 'stab in the back' (Dolchstoß) contributed significantly to the rise of National Socialism and to the unleashing of another world war.
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