a "loose constructionist" is, and what the real distinction is between 'strict' and 'loose' construction. Or that formally, there is no way of being a pure 'strict constructionist'- like being a fundamentalist Christian, a 'strict constructionist' is just another form of selective interpretation because truly literal adherence is impossible. The Bible is vague and strictly speaking selfcontradicting in many ways, and the Constitution is similar.
And then there's the distinction between what a 'strict constructionist' is in theory, and what s/he has to be in practice. Here's John Dean on what the practical, on-the-ground, definition amounts to in Washington back when it was fixed in the Nixon era:
http://writ.news.findlaw.com/hilden/20011101.htmlQ: The book refers to a document in which Rehnquist defines or describes a "strict constructionist." Given the fact that President George Bush said that was what he would appoint to the Court during the 2000 presidential campaign, let me ask as a final question what you think of Rehnquist's explanation of what a strict constructionist is.
A: It is the most honest definition or description of a strict constructionist I have ever seen, and given the fact it was provided by the Chief Justice of the United States, a jurist who considers himself a strict constuctionist, I don't believe anyone can ignore it. However, I think that if the president ever appoints a strict constuctionist as defined by Rehnquist, he should be tarred and feathered by the media. And I think anyone who is aware of the Chief Justice's explanation and who has any sense of decency would agree.
The Rehnquist definition was in a memo he sent to the White House when he was an Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Office of Legal Counsel and was vetting Judge Clement Haynsworth. It is quite remarkable, but he asserts that a strict constructionist judge is one who favors criminal prosecutors over criminal defendants, and civil rights defendants over civil rights plaintiffs. It is, for me, a description of a person who should be automatically disqualified from sitting on any court. Under Rehnquist definition a strict constructionist is obviously a biased judge as well.At the time of the definition, Civil Rights/minority rights was the dominant political and judicial issue. The basic guarantees that 'strict construction' of this sort wipes out are those on which all claims of the time rest, and most/all of the present do, which is Section 1 of the 14th Amendment.
And if you do look at the persistent injustices at issue in the present, social or economic, isn't the politics of them all about 'conservatives' persistently denying citizenship rights, due process, and equal protection demands to abused groups?
So I agree with your desire to see the Constitution enforced. It's just that 'strict constructionism', while it sounds nice, is a Potemkin village the Right has put up to minimize and void portions of the Constitution. Bush v. Gore is the kind of verdict that results.