Dean fire campaign workers
By Ed Tibbetts
Date posted: January, 8th, 2004
Howard Dean’s presidential campaign in Iowa fired two workers Thursday who were accused earlier in the day of trying to infiltrate rival John Kerry’s campaign.
In a letter to the Kerry camp, Jeani Murray, Dean’s Iowa campaign manager, said the two were terminated after an investigation prompted by complaints by John Norris, who is running Kerry’s Iowa effort. Glen Johnson at the Boston Globe:
In animated conversation on the floor of the US Senate on Wednesday, Kerry placed a hand on Edwards's shoulder and nodded in agreement as the North Carolinian spoke to him with visible passion. Then, pointing at the podium where the Senate's presiding officer sits, Edwards said to Kerry in a voice loud enough for a reporter in the overhead press gallery to hear, ''He got up there and lied.''
Edwards was referring to the speech Dean delivered to California Democrats last weekend, in which he stood at the podium at the party's annual convention in Sacramento and lambasted Edwards and Kerry by name for supporting the war. Dean, who has won a following with his antiwar pronouncements, sought to distinguish himself further by telling the delegates that both of his rivals had refused to stand by their position during their speeches to the crowd. The remark triggered cheers for Dean -
even though he would later acknowledge it was wasn't true. lying about his past statements about raising the Social Security retirement age:
• He denied in debates this year that he once supported raising the Social Security retirement age or cutting the Medicare growth rate. He later said he had held both positions but no longer does.
• He claimed that he was "the only politician" who talks about racial issues before white audiences. He was wrong but said he wasn't.
• He accused an opponent, North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, of obscuring his support for the Iraq war before a liberal audience. He was wrong and apologized.
• He said members of Congress would scurry for shelter "just like a giant flashlight on a bunch of cockroaches" if he won. Later, he said they know "perfectly well" he was not calling them cockroaches.
• He said the United States ought to pursue an "evenhanded" approach to the Middle East. He later said he didn't realize that was diplomatic code for sympathizing with Palestinians and denied abandoning U.S. support for Israel. Says He Misspoke on Social Security
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean said Wednesday that he misspoke when he told the AFL-CIO he never favored raising the retirement age for Social Security benefits to age 70.
Dean acknowledged that he had called for such an increase when the country was faced with a deficit in 1995, but said he no longer thinks it is necessary. He said former President Clinton set an example of balancing the budget without raising the retirement age. to speak of Dean's talking about providing a universal health care nationally, while stating in other places that he would not be able to do so until balancing the busget, and later stating that he did not think he would balance the budget for 7 years.
Or how about a candidate who purposefully distributes information about Bob Kerreys record, attributes it to John Kerry, and keeps distributing the inforamtioj after he knows it is false?
Dean Campaign Issues False Information on Kerry Record on Farming
Dean again shows bad judgment by not following his own advice and attacking fellow Democrats
December 30, 2003
For Immediate Release
Des Moines, IA -
Today, the Dean campaign issued a release regarding a letter sent by Dean supporter, Chris Petersen, Vice President of the Iowa Farmer's Union that criticized John Kerry’s record on farm issues. The problem: Once again Howard Dean gets it wrong.
It’s possible that in their rush to smear, they confused votes cast by John Kerry and former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey. And, the misfire failed to include Dean’s own dismal record of choosing corporate farming interests over family farms. from the Des Moines Register:
"Now, four years later, we again have a Democrat U.S. senator from an industrial state running for president in Iowa who voted against the very same flood-relief legislation that would have benefited rural Iowans," said Petersen, a farm activist who was a Gore supporter in 2000.
Kerry's campaign cried foul, pointing to Kerry's vote in favor of an amendment by Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Ia., providing full payments to grain farmers for losses in the 1993 floods.
"For Howard Dean to resort to false information to cover up his own dismal record on family farms is insulting to the Iowa voters," said John Norris, Kerry's Iowa campaign manager. record on the Iraq ar is almost legendary, with Dean on two occasions stating that he would do pretty much what George Bush ended up doing in March of 2003:
Face the Nation
September 29, 2002
DEAN: Sure, I think the Democrats have pushed him into that position and the Congress, and I think that's a good thing. And I think he is trying to do that. We still get these bellicose statements.
Look, it's very simple. Here's what we ought to have done. We should have gone to the U.N. Security Council. We should have asked for a resolution to allow the inspectors back in with no pre-conditions. And then we should have given them a deadline saying
"If you don't do this, say, within 60 days, we will reserve our right as Americans to defend ourselves and we will go into Iraq." Repeated in February of 2003:
"As I've said about eight times today," he says, annoyed -- that Saddam must be disarmed, but with a multilateral force under the auspices of the United Nations.
If the U.N. in the end chooses not to enforce its own resolutions, then the U.S. should give Saddam 30 to 60 days to disarm, and if he doesn't, unilateral action is a regrettable, but unavoidable, choice. an analysis of Dean's supprort of Biden Lugar:
Dean reminds us that he vigorously opposed the resolution passed by Congress. What Dean hasn't advertised is that he endorsed a congressional effort pushed by Sens. Joe Biden (D-Del.) and Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) that was very similar -- in substance and in outcome --to the resolution that passed both chambers in Congress. Indeed, John Kerry, whom Dean would have us believe was wildly off-base when it came to Iraq, endorsed the same Biden-Lugar resolution that Dean did.
The Biden-Lugar resolution authorized Bush to use force in Iraq -- unilaterally, if necessary -- if a diplomatic solution could not be reached at the United Nations.
Dean has argued that Biden-Lugar would have forced Bush to return to Congress after having exhausted diplomacy at the U.N. to seek congressional support for a military invasion. At a debate last month, Dean said, "
he key and critical difference was that required the president to come back to Congress for permission."
Actually, Biden-Lugar doesn't appear to have made such a condition at all. The resolution, which never reached the floor of the Senate for a vote, simply required Bush to "make available" to Congress his "determination" that the Iraqi threat "is so grave that the use of force is necessary." The resolution had no provisions requiring Bush to seek "permission" to start the war.
Dean has run the absolutely most sleazy,most misrepresentative, lie ridden campaign of the second half of the 20th century, even exceeding Richard Nixon's campaign lies (Tricky Dickies lies came after the election of 1972)