this morning and caught a glimpse of Lindsey Graham on Faux no News' morning program--so, I held my stomach and listened to the last few questions of the "interview." He was saying how the war in Iraq is a part of the war on terror, not some "side show." In other words, Iraq=Bin Laden BS. The only way we can lose (according to the RW) is for us to pull out.
And, the guy asking him questions--don't know his name--asked if the Saudis, Kuwaitis, Iranians, etc. want to keep this war in Iraq going because, if we win, and get the oil wells pumping in Iraq, then the market gets flooded with oil, and oil prices come down, and they (Saudis, etc.) lose a pile of money. As if the "sovereign" government in Iraq, when the "insurgency" is over, won't ask us to leave, and then help OPEC out.
There will be no gratitude on the Iraqi government's part, once this war is "won" and we are out. (Notice, I didn't say which side is going to win.) They will be in a position to stick it to us like never before...unless we find a way to become independent on foreign oil.
If we really want to win this damned war, we need to develop alternative sources of energy, and tell the countries in the middle-east to put their oil where the sun don't shine.
And, BTW--could someone explain to me why it is that when foreign oil prices go so high--those oil companies who supposedly don't import foreign oil raise their prices, too. It seems to me the "patriotic" thing to do would be to keep their oil prices down--since the cost to them of producing a barrel of oil would not be affected. Or is it that their "greed" takes over, and they love sticking it to the American people as well?