I received this early release of the preznit's remarks tonight, and this Popular Wartime President needs your help finishing his speech. So far he's got:
Since 9/11, everything has changed. It was hard work to make the case for war, to make the case for two wars. I said we'd get Osama, dead or alive, but this is old news.
Now all options are on the table to make the world a more peaceful place, so fuck Saddam, we're taking him out. It will be a cakewalk, once the mission is accomplished, freedom will be on the march.
Despite a few bad apples, we must stay the course. Do not play partisan politics with my mandate. No obstructionists will stop me from spending my political capital. We will disassemble the insurgency, those evil-doers, foreign dead-enders, turning the corner, in their final throes.
Now this is the part where this Popular Wartime President needs your help! I've heard tonights speech is supposed to promote "patience," so I was thinking tonight's slogan might be something like, "quagmires take time," but I could be wrong.
Help Karl come up with tonight's new slogan!