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Another Karl Rove production - Bush speaks with troops as his stage props

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mt1000 Donating Member (41 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:28 PM
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Another Karl Rove production - Bush speaks with troops as his stage props
Edited on Wed Jun-29-05 07:44 AM by Skinner
by Stan Goff

June 28, 2005 My opening remarks for the press conference at Quaker House, Fayetteville, NC, organized in response to George W. Bush’s speech on June 28, 2005, at Ft. Bragg: I retired out of 3rd Special Forces ten years ago, right up the road here when the out-processing one-stop was still over by the Main PX. My son’s first assignment after jump school was there in the 82nd Airborne Division, and it was with them that he went to Iraq the first time.

Dozens more soldiers and hundreds more Iraqis have been killed over the past couple of weeks… and not just killed – crippled, burned, blinded, amputated, consigned to colostomy bags and medication for their rest of their lives, and countless others will be driven a little bit mad by their experience. And we have no idea how many will be damaged by the ticking time-bomb in their bodies that is depleted uranium.

Not only are the troops suffering, but the families of those who are on their second and third deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan are living with unremitting fear, and I am one of those families. My grandson has seen his father for only a few months of his two and a half years.

Yet, tonight the President of the United States is going to come here to Fort Bragg and tell everyone in the country that this war is making people safer. In fact, since the Bush administration opportunistically used the terrible shock of 9-11 to advance what we now know to have been a pre-determined agenda, the number of terror attacks in the world has dramatically increased.


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Richardo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:31 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wow. That is great.
Thanks for sharing it. :patriot:
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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:38 PM
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2. Cool speech nice nice
:applause: :applause:
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ellenfl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:48 PM
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3. excellent! eom
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Roland99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:49 PM
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4. Wow...moving speech.
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CWebster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:52 PM
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5. What John Kerry or Wesley Clark couldn't say
in defense of the troops.
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DisassemblingHisLies Donating Member (273 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:55 PM
Response to Original message
6. Mr. Goff is right on.
When the chimpster is in hot water, he trots out the troops for background. Or Laura. Or Karl Rove, when he's really in trouble.

But hiding behind the troops when he doesn't value them is despicable. One thing Mr. Goff didn't mention is the food the troops are served by Cheney's Halliburton: Food with expiration dates. Leftover food forked over in garbage bags for the troops of the "coalition of the willing", despite the fact that Halliburton was committed to serving the Indonesian & Turkish troops their respective ethnic foods.

But the Ft. Bragg troops will dutifully cheer him on cue & the picture we'll see of them together will look like a scene from a Shakespearean tragedy.

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Angry Girl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:57 PM
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7. How can you complain?
Tonight he will use a captive audience of soldiers, who he commands, and who will be ordered to smile and cheer and shout hooahs at the appropriate points in this latest Karl Rove production, and I find that offensive. More than offensive, it is obscene.

I find it offensive that the very people he would send to death, disfigurement and despair in the service of this administration’s lengthening list of lies, are now required, – when they could be home tonight with the loved ones they have missed so much in the last two years – to serve as stage props so George W. Bush can add one more bit of cheerleading hype, one more publicity stunt, to his resume.

You're complaining NOW that it's offensive to be used as a stage prop? How about as a weapon? Unless something has drastically changed, when you enlist in the military, you commit yourself to doing what some other idiot commands and you have NO rights and NO thoughts of your own. The military is about obeying orders and killing people, no matter who's in charge. But now you don't like it because you don't like the show?

Time to learn that the military is a lousy life choice, no matter who's the CO.

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DisassemblingHisLies Donating Member (273 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:17 PM
Response to Reply #7
19. Offensive? You bet.
When he makes a big production out of supporting the troops, but treats them shabbily behind the scenes, it's offensive.

I just learned from watching the Democratic hearing video at that the troops are being fed food with expiration dates, yet Halliburton is raking in taxpayers' money by the truck loads. Nine billion dollars is unaccounted for, yet these troops deserve no better than expired food?

Billions of dollars allocated for this war, yet the troops have to buy their own protective gear?

There's reason to complain.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 03:02 PM
Response to Reply #7
23. Well, angry girl, you kind of miss the point. There are a lot of people
in the military with the notion that what they are there for is to defend their country. They are willing to put themselves at risk and to die for what they believe our country to be--for their ideals of democracy and freedom. You may think it's a delusion--and when our troops are used to fight the wars of the rich, as in Vietnam and Iraq, and have nothing whatever to do with defending our country against attack, it does indeed begin to look like a cruel delusion--but I don't think that you should dis those troops and their beliefs--nor should you scoff at the circumstances that prompt young people to join the military out of hope for a steady job, job training and an education--people who come from desperate circumstances and don't seem to have other choices. And probably a lot of these motives are mixed up together.

One thing is for sure: those who join the military really have to ask themselves what they would die for, and what they would kill for, whereas most of us never face that choice. It is not all that easy a choice, when you think about it. They may get to that moment of choice unwittingly--or with mixed motives--but there it is: as stark as it can be. Would you die for your country? Would you die for the freedom of those who remain alive, and for future generations? ARE you risking death and killing others for that purpose? Or have you been lied to? Is it possible to free anybody, or to protect anything good, by violence?

I don't agree with war or killing of any kind. I think violence ALWAYS breeds more violence. That's my philosophy. So I disagree with our even having a military--and most certainly object to our pigsty of a military budget, and to the atrocious uses that all this is being put to, at present. But I think it's too easy just to reject soldiers and peoples' choices of that life. And I can imagine philosophy coming up against certain realities, and reality and my own humanness taking over.

What if I saw someone killing a child, or some other innocent victim? If I had the power, would I kill to stop it? I don't really know. If I had been in a position to kill Hitler, prior to his worst atrocities, would I have done so? I don't know. If I had been a Vietnamese, assaulted by two western imperialist armies--France, and then the U.S.--would I have taken up arms to defend my country's independence? Again, I don't really know if my philosophy would hold up in those circumstances.

I DO think that it is vital that young people understand the full measure of what they are getting into, in the military. I know they are lied to by recruiters, and that there are immense hidden dangers, not just being shot or blown up, but, now, the long term impacts of depleted uranium; the lack of proper health care for veterans should they become wounded or sick; the terrible repeat tours of duty in Iraq, because the Bush Cartel doesn't have enough "cannon fodder." And so on. It is unconscionable that young people are being lied to about these things. IF we are a democracy, and IF our country needs people to kill others and to face death to defend it from attack, the recruitment of those defenders should be done with EYES OPEN, with COMPLETE HONESTY. What is happening now is so dishonest and so undemocratic! It is little more than enticement to slavery.

I think an argument can be made for fighting oppression with violence in certain circumstances. But whatever I think of those arguments, I am in no position to judge people who fight and kill, and are willing to die, for what *I* would consider to be a just cause. (I'm thinking right now of the Spanish Civil War, actually.)

Anyway, I'm just saying, there are no easy answers. And I will never forget something Martin Luther King said, that he would rather recruit a street fighter to come over to his side, and learn non-violence, than recruit someone who had never known violence, who had no idea how to defend themselves or others, and who wouldn't put themselves physically on the line for any reason.

He was talking about courage, and how it manifests. And I think he had a point. If you are never tested on the matter of physical violence, how do you really know what you believe or would do?

Of course, many non-violent civil disobedience protesters are so tested. You don't have to COMMIT violence to truly test the limits of a non-violent philosophy. I just think that many soldiers, especially the young, are testing themselves, and many do come up against these profound questions, despite all the propaganda. Who are they? What do they really believe? It's not a test I would deliberately put anyone to. But I respect their personal journeys, and hope that those who survive can overcome the great obstacles to being a good human being that the military and the war present them with. They are truly in a desperate and terrible situation.
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Patchuli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 01:02 PM
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8. Thank you
and I cannot believe the ratbastards are using Ft. Bragg to try to bs us all some more. I wish those soldiers had a chance to give Dumbya their real opinions...
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TransitJohn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 01:31 PM
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9. Totally nominated.
Very nice work. Submit it as an independent commentary to Wyoming's Statewide newspaper, please? :patriot: :applause: :yourock:
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thoughtanarchist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 01:37 PM
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10. Bravo!
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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 01:39 PM
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11. excuse me but
we can't post entire articles here.

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Stand and Fight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:00 PM
Response to Reply #11
13. Right. See forum rules.

Specifically number four:

4. Copyrights: Do not copy-and-paste entire articles onto this discussion forum. When referencing copyrighted work, post a short excerpt (not exceeding 4 paragraphs) with a link back to the original.
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Contrary1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 01:47 PM
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12. I sure hope he does...
The Dim Son ends up looking even more stupid, when he tries to act folksy.
He is more likely to flub his/Rove's lines in this type of setting.

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Stand and Fight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:01 PM
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14. Great article -- recommended!
However, please don't post entire articles -- copyright rules posted on this site ask that you do not. Thanks for the lead though!
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Stand and Fight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:01 PM
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15. Great article -- recommended!
However, please don't post entire articles -- copyright rules posted on this site ask that you do not. Thanks for the lead though!
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:01 PM
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16. MT 1000 Welcome to DU!!! Great Start!!!
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Maestro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:05 PM
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17. Get this out to people!
Great letter or op-ed. I feel for the guy and his family and all the families affected by the rethuglican party's arrogance, ignorance, instransigence!
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Maru Kitteh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:12 PM
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18. We need some of these soldiers families to start protesting his little
drive-bys, using their kin and lovers as stage props. It IS obscene.
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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:21 PM
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20. kick
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alfredo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:30 PM
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21. Thank you
for posting this
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oxbow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 02:54 PM
Response to Original message
22. Excellent point!: Why doesn't he go to their funerals?
He can use em as patriotic stage props but won't go to a single funeral. It's shameful.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 04:56 PM
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24. mt1000, please review the rules on copyright material
If the editing period has expired the Administrators will snip your thread in the near future.

For future reference, here are the rules:

Copyrights: Do not copy-and-paste entire articles onto this discussion forum. When referencing copyrighted work, post a short excerpt (not exceeding 4 paragraphs) with a link back to the original.

Thank you very much.
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