They're reacting to THIS article:
"Bush to say Iraq war worth it, sees hard route" To: jmc1969
It is worth it, but he's going to have a tough time convincing people. The treasonous left-wing press will never be convinced, and rip him apart for everything he says.
2 posted on 06/28/2005 1:52:29 PM PDT by pcottraux
2). To: jmc1969
Is it worth an infite amount of US resources? What if the insurgency is still going on 2 years from now when we've spent 500 billion dollars that could have gone to infrastructure, border security, etc? This was not a "clearly necessary" war, IMO. I don't agree with those who say it was clearly wrong. But nor was it absolutely necessary, in my view. That being the case, it all depends on the price we have to pay to get whatever is gained. If I had known going in that the price tag was going to be several hundred billions of dollars and thousands of US casualties, I would not have supported the war. But I can respect the view of those who still agree with the war- was there at one point myself. Just didn't think we were signing up for a long, long occupation. I thought we'd liberate and get out, along with a few bases for strategic purposes.
7 posted on 06/28/2005 1:56:04 PM PDT by Altair333 (Stop illegal immigration: George Allen in 2008)
3). To: jmc1969
Cool. Now, will he finally and clearly articulate we did it? I never felt it was for WMD's, and I wasn't disappointed when they found none. The REAL reason we went in, which I've never heard him clearly say, was that we weren't in a mood to be looking over our shoulder at Arabic maniacs with the national resources to repeat 9/11, and we also wanted to send a message to those thugs who only understand a bloody nose. Let's admit it.
11 posted on 06/28/2005 1:57:59 PM PDT by mikeus_maximus
4). To: jmc1969
We fight today, we sacrifice today so that our kids and grandchildren will not have to fight a much worse war in the future, one we could possibly lose.
So that the children in Iraq and Afghanistan will not turn into these same islamo-facists we fight today. I say "we", as America. We all know who they are that do the fighting and sacrificing. I am forever in debt to these heros. I hope that the President can get across to our countrymen that are doubting the mission and are willing to listen what is truly at stake. All our tomorrows security rides on seeing this mission through. All the way.
19 posted on 06/28/2005 2:04:12 PM PDT by Names Ash Housewares