Doesn't he know that we here on the "Internets" kept after DSM's and have worked to get Howard Dean into the DNC Leadership, and have supported petition after Petition to keep us out of Iraq, to Investigate Iraq and have kept the pressure on to get this "Monster" out of the White House?
But, that's when that evil thought came into my head. Being such a long time Gergen watcher...I thought he was telling us: "Don't rejoice yet...because he's "bought time." So, I think...JAYSUS CHRIST...it's the worse speech next to Johnson's last one's that I've heard a President give (well..maybe Nixon had a couple..but still) and Gergen is saying this piece of crap speech has BOUGHT BUSH TIME? How so...my brain says.
And, the scenario I posted is "how so" that I came up with. These folks are "on the ropes" but they've stolen two elections caused us to be attacked on 9/11 by incompetence or calculation, gotten us into another "war without end," and maybe Gergen is saying....don't think this is going to end...watch the poll numbers.
Since we know we are under "War Time Govt. Propaganda Control" how can we really believe that the Powers that Be didn't skew the down polls to bring them up tommorrow and the days afterward? Or, maybe Bush's "down polls" were accurate but now they can put the "pedal to the metal" and skew them up with some financial pressure on the Pollsters.
I hope to hell I'm wrong...I give anything to be wrong. But, I don't want to see us go off knowing Bush's "speech of his life" was a totally disaster and then be all in agony if the polls "SEEM" to prove us wrong.
I'll be happy to eat "crow" on this one...believe me! :shrug: