Edited on Sun Jan-25-04 03:57 PM by jchild
Clark is my first choice, and Kerry and Edwards are both occupying my second spot. Well, at least until today. While Edwards may have a veneer of positive campaigning, the truth came out today.
General Shelton is one of his advisors. And today, headlining on Drudge and MSNBC is Shelton's take on why Clark got fired. Go take a look for yourself.
After Clark entered the Democratic race last September, Gen. Hugh Shelton, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters that Clark had been sacked as commander of NATO forces after the 1999 Balkans war because of "integrity and character issues." Shelton has refused to comment further, and Clark's civilian boss, the then Defense Secretary William Cohen, has also remained silent.
"I was forthcoming," Clark insisted. "If gave me an instruction, I did it. I would never have not done what they told me to do. But the truth is, they weren't in touch with the situation well enough to tell me everything to do. It's why you have the title supreme allied commander... The buck usually stopped on my desk... I had, by necessity, a certain independence. Yet no matter how many times I tried to bring Hugh Shelton and Washington to understand the allied side, it didn't compute. They just didn't see it." General Shelton, Clark's aides are quick to note, is now listed as an unpaid adviser to the John Edwards campaign.
I still like Edwards, but behind that toothy, innocent grin is the truth that he is charging Shelton to bring down Clark.
No wonder so many voters are apathetic these days. Negativity wins in the media, and voters feel they have no choice.