,2933,160974,00.html"The president's frequent references to the terrorist attacks of September 11 show the weakness of his arguments. He is willing to exploit the sacred ground of 9/11, knowing that there is no connection between 9/11 and the war in Iraq," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. "Iraq is now what it was not when the war began — a magnet for terrorism — because the president invaded Iraq with no idea of what it would take to secure the country after Baghdad fell. The insurgency took root in the unstable conditions that have now existed in substantial parts of Iraq for far too long," she said. "In his attempt to mitigate growing concern about his disastrous Iraq policy, the president has failed to address the most significant problems surrounding this ill-conceived, poorly planned and falsely-justified war," added Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Fla., in a written statement.
Former presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark (search) took a more measured approach in his criticism, saying on the strategic level, the president recited some points that needed to be said but Bush left several questions unresolved. "He didn't really explain why car bombings have gone up despite our effective operations or why the insurgents are coming in increasing numbers or why the insurgency is still the same strength. These are all the elements that create doubt and uncertainty in the minds of the American public," Clark said. "I said this was an elective war ... Saddam wasn't a part of 9/11, Saddam didn't have WMD to threaten America, but now that we're there, we have to succeed," Clark said, adding that the war in Iraq is a great recruiting tool for terrorists who want to suggest America is the evil invader.
Sen. John McCain (search), R-Ariz., said that many of the terrorists are coming from outside Iraq and are very persistent. That, he said, is all the more reason for U.S. troops to remain in Iraq. "I think the president laid out a clear exit strategy, and that is when the Iraqis are able to take on their security responsibilities without the United States, which we are making progress on. Agonizingly slow? Yes. Did we make mistakes? Yes, but we've got our best general in the Army, General Petraeus, his training program, we are gradually succeeding in attaining that goal. The key to it is not the time and date of withdrawal, it's American casualties. When the Iraqi forces can assume all responsibilities, security responsibilites, then I think you will see a successful strategy implemented and that's really what it's all about and we can not cut and run."