Why Lou Dobbs is still a tool06/29/05
by Michael Sheridan
http://blog.frumiousblues.net/2005/06/28/why-lou-dobbs-is-still-a-tool/Last night, I said some harsh things about Lou Dobbs. I should provide a little more context for my statements.
I know quite a few people on the left were heartened when Dobbs took up the cause of workers losing their jobs because of overseas outsourcing. That certainly seems decent of him, and I can’t find any reason to fault him for that.
But his current “Broken Borders” campaign is a nonsense from start to finish. As evinced in this commentary piece
from the CNN website, he continually dances around the issue without confronting the primary cause of illegal immigration from Mexico (which is the only “border” he seems interested in):
People in the US keep hiring illegal immigrants.The problem with interdiction of the immigrants at the border is the same problem we have with the “war on drugs,” which is the same problem we had trying to enforce prohibition in the ’20s. Until you remove the market for the contraband items or workers, you have no chance of stopping the supply without incurring costs higher than the costs to society you would incur if the prohibitions were removed altogether.
So long as employers believe they can get away with hiring illegal labor, immigrants will come north for the jobs on offer. If we’re serious about “broken borders,” every new dollar spent on stemming the tide should be put into the investigation and enforcement of the laws against hiring illegals in the first place, and not into putting more bodies or more barbed wire on the borders. Forcing business to stop hiring illegals and start hiring Americans would make border enforcement much easier (and cheaper), reduce unemployment and increase the tax base without raising taxes. These are all things that a decent conservative should be applauding, and Dobbs even mentions them in his commentary.
But until Lou Dobbs “gets” that the problem is the corporations, he’s a tool.
UPDATE: As far as the “pimping for liars” comment goes, Dobbs final words of the interview with Ed Klein pretty much speak for themselves:
DOBBS: Ed Klein. The book is “The Truth About Hillary.” We don’t know whether it is, but it is a highly controversial and provocative book. Good to have you here.
The rest of the interview was equally “hard-hitting.” And tonight, Nancy Grace, someone who should be behind bars rather than in front of the camera, will be his guest. Tool and liar pimp.