ive been reading these forums for awhile, everytime i try to contribute i have been attacked and then banned. as a result i lurk. i used to believe the democrats were the lesser of the two evils, and have allways supported them. but lately i cant bring myself to do it. one of my problems i guess is that my political ideology doesnt fit anyone place on the politcial spectrum.
i am 100% against any form of gun control i believe protecting liberty should be a priority over national security and the safety or well being of a majority or any one group or individual..this would include freedom of speech, religion, property rights, ect. i support public education and welfare programs i support legalizing cannabis i believe in states rights...to a point, i dont believe states have the power to overide the u.s. constitution i believe government should be able to be held accountable for its actions. i support a flat tax..where everyone is taxed a single fixed percentage...with no exceptions i support fiscal responsibility, small central government i am for secured boarders, and against dual language public education i believe the words 'under god' on u.s. currency and in the pledge of alliegence is a violation of the basic principles our nation was founded on i support protecting the enviorment over the wellbeing of corperate intrests. i could go on.
where do i fit in? its like im standing alone outside the entire political process. im not a libertarian, maybe im a conservative, im not a member of the green party...a liberal? i read the bullshit people post about hillary clinton, and john kerry...do they represent the democratic leadership? a religious fundamentalist and a shill. john kerry is the man that failed all of you, he told you he would fight for every single vote and then ran at the first hint of trouble.
' the left' of the supreme court rules that property rights no longer exist. do you really believe that public use means the same as public well being? i dont. at the same time 'the right' is overriding one constitutional amendment after another, it seems like 'the left' is picking the ones up they missed...some one name the constitutional amendments we still have left...cause im pretty sure 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,14,15 are all ready gone.
i try to listen to progressive radio? air america....but the crap they spew doesnt even stand up to the slightest of scrutiny. they are just as mindless as bill orielly and micheal savage.
its all fucking hopeless. if i cant find a proper forum, i may as well just switch my DU bookmark to cruel.com