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Sen. Ted Kennedy: Pres. Bush is "Ignoring Reality"

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Zenlitened Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 03:47 PM
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Sen. Ted Kennedy: Pres. Bush is "Ignoring Reality"
Recieved this e-mail just now, from the old lion. Love ta hear ya roar, Senator Kennedy -- the time to speak out is now! :)

Dear ---------,

Last night, President Bush addressed the nation about the war, but he refused to level with our troops and the American people and offer a strategy for success in Iraq.

Our soldiers in Iraq need more than vague assurances of progress from the President. They need an effective plan to end the violence, bring peace and stability to Iraq, and return home with dignity and honor.

Unfortunately, the administration's view of the war is ignoring reality.

As an example, the Downing Street Minutes, and statements by former Administration and British officials on the issue have raised new doubts about the way the Administration went to war in Iraq. But the truth should come from the White House, not Downing Street.

The Administration will not face the facts or develop an effective strategy. Secretary Rumsfeld and Vice-President Cheney can't even agree on the strength of the insurgency and the time and resources needed to defeat it.

Last Thursday, I called on Secretary Rumsfeld to resign as the first step in a new strategy--and now I ask you to join me in calling on this Administration to level with the American people and develop a plan for success in Iraq:

Our current strategy isn't working. Only when President Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld, and the rest of the Administration begin to address the realities of what is happening on the ground can we hope to make progress in the region.

Like many of you, I have spoken out against this war and the Administration's lack of an effective strategy. But, together, our voices are much stronger. Many of you successfully helped to make the Downing Street Minutes part of the national debate. By demanding more of this Administration, we can make an impact.

Our soldiers need more than a public relations campaign from the Administration to win this war. They need honesty and leadership:

To succeed in Iraq--and the war on terrorism--we have to restore trust in our nation's leadership. No matter where you stand on the war - we can all agree that we must not repeat the kind of mistakes that led us into this misguided war.

The truth about Iraq does not belong to any political party--it belongs to all of the American people, and they are entitled to hear it.

Please join me in calling on the President to lay out an effective strategy in Iraq. It is not enough to keep hoping that the Administration will finally wake up to the realities on the ground in Iraq. We must make sure that they do:

My campaign staff and volunteers like you will deliver our petition to the White House next week, demonstrating that Americans demand greater accountability and a better plan for success in Iraq.

In the coming weeks, we will build on this initiative to hold the Administration accountable, and we will continue to work together for full and honest answers from the White House. As many people as possible must be involved so that we are heard loud and clear.

Thank you for joining in this all-important initiative.


Senator Edward M. Kennedy

PS - Thank you for joining me - please make sure to take a moment and take a stand:

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laugle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 04:41 PM
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1. Thanks for the post-- goooooo Kennedy!!!
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