43 & Friends: A legacy of criminal pathology
p. m. carpenter's commentary
So this war wasn’t about War Objective Take 1 -- WMD. It wasn’t about War Objective Take 2 -- humanitarianism. It wasn’t about War Objective Take 3 -- regime change. It wasn’t about War Objective Take 4 -- freeing an oppressed people. It wasn’t even about the latest advertised war objective, the selfless objective to end all war objectives, which would be War Objective Take 5 -- establishing Middle East democracy.
But, and you’ll just have to take their word for it, the war really, really is about extinguishing Islamist extremism -- War Objective Take 6.
If I may, perhaps the administration should have explained this more than a year ago. On the other hand, that would have presented an entirely new host of public relations problems, since achieving War Objective Take 6 requires the invasion of at least a dozen other nations embedded with those human links to 9/11: Islamist extremists.
And here, of course, is where War Objective Take 6 meets Impossible Dream No. 1. No number of troops for any number of years occupying any number of nations will eradicate Islamist extremism, any more than a Nation magazine subscription for Pat Robertson would cure Pat of his Christian extremism.