On May 27, Rep. John Conyers blogged the following:
Signed Copies of Conyers Report
What Went Wrong in Ohio?
As regular readers of this blog know, I have never asked for a contribution on it. Today, I am compelled to break that pristine record. Raising money is an unfortunate reality of politics and, when you do not side with corporations and other special interests on legislation, you turn to ordinary Americans for help.
Today, I ask for your help in raising money for my re-election campaign and to help elect other Democrats so that we can end Republican rule of the House of Representatives, one party rule in Washington, and finally hold this Administration accountable.
For every $50 contribution, I will send you a copy of What Went Wrong in Ohio?
http://www.academychicago.com/conyers.html, signed by me, and recently published by the Academy Chicago Publishers. I do not make a penny off the sales of this book and this publication house published the book more as a public service than a money making venture. They did a great job. The book has an amazing forward by Gore Vidal and the text of my Ohio report.
Many of us enthusiasictly responded to the call for DU to support Rep. Conyers' efforts - see
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=132&topic_id=1814747My signed copy arrived a few days ago and I finished it yesterday. Rep. Conyers lays out the case how the 2004 Presidential election was yet again stolen by the GOP and its operatives. It is a MUST READ for all! It gives me more reason to work to make John Conyers chair of the House Judiciary Committee for the 110th Congress.