London: More evidence of the need for IMPEACHMENT NOW!!!
In Truth We Trust
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Thu Jul-07-05 08:36 AM
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London: More evidence of the need for IMPEACHMENT NOW!!! |
Please do not get on your high horse with self righteous indignation saying such drivel as we should not "politicize" a political event.
Without radical change NOW we will continue to live with the tragedies we are witnessing this morning.
DSM is smoking gun evidence of IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES.
"Plame" is ev idence of treason and an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE.
Let's resolve to not be manipulated and/or distracted and therefore allow the media and politicians sympathetic to progressive democratic values become complacent with this status quo.
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Thu Jul-07-05 08:56 AM
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1. Okay, tin foil hat on, but what if |
those explosions in London were retaliation for the war memos coming out of England. I'm sorry to say, I wouldn't put it past this admin.
In Truth We Trust
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Thu Jul-07-05 09:10 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
4. You've made a good point. The fact is we do not know the facts re: the |
bombing. But we do know that thie mis-leader and his regime is guilty of impeachble offenses. His and Tony's Blair's policies will continue to invite such attacks. we must not be distracted! Justice should be served.
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Thu Jul-07-05 09:46 AM
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These are some sick, corrupt people. We've never had this type of government before and if we don't launch a peaceful revolution we're doomed.
grumpy old fart
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Thu Jul-07-05 08:58 AM
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2. Exactly. This morning's tragedy changes nothing. If anything..... |
it just confirms that nothing much has changed as a result of the chimp's misguided "war" tactics. If anything, it's made these attacks more likely.
Union Thug
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Thu Jul-07-05 09:01 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. But I thought the world was safer now? |
Isn't that what Bush said?
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Thu Jul-07-05 09:49 AM
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Exactly! I'm positive that Bush orchestrated this attack somehow because of the DSM. And then he goes on TV with Blair and pretends solidarity with him! The nerve! Is there any way to prove it ...
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Thu Jul-07-05 09:51 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
7. In order to prove something it helps if it's true and not |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:27 AM
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