Contrary to the image that Miller and the MSM are trying to put out there, there is NO evidence that Miller has not been 'released' from confidentiality to her sources. That's what she'd like everyone to believe. I and others have posted the following article in some other threads here on DU, but because not everyone has seen this,I thought it deserved a thread of it's own again. Judith Miller and her backers at the NY Times are acting the part of a free press journalistic martyrs playing to everyone's sympathy.
In fact, in the following article June 30th article from WaPo, Judge Hogan, who sentenced Miller said publicly that Miller's sources already have come forth and presented themselves to the Grand Jury:
...Cooper and Miller both did some reporting on the issue, though Miller never wrote a story.
(Judge)Hogan postponed the penalty as the reporters appealed. On Monday, those appeals ran out when the Supreme Court refused to hear their case. The jail term is set to last for the four months remaining in the current grand jury session.
Yesterday, Hogan questioned the reporters' assertions that they are keeping a promise not to identify a confidential source. In appellate court filings, Fitzgerald has indicated that he knows the identity of Miller's source and that the official has voluntarily come forward.
"The sources have waived their confidentiality," Hogan said. "They're not relying on the promises of the reporters. . . . It's getting curiouser and curiouser.", perhaps it's time that readers of the NY Times write and call them out on this BS.