So I understand Dean once said some negative things about medicare...and what's that? You say Kerry once said someting about affirmative action....and Clark once praised Bush? Oh my. What? Kucinich has a pro life voting record? And this other candidate once said this and now says that? And there was that thing they did back in 1976 and then there was....you know what?
I DON'T GIVE A #!%$!!!!!!!!
I really don't. You know why? Because if any single one of these guys stands up in front of me today and says they want to be the one to get Bush out of office....and if the majority of my fellow democrats get together to vote and the concensus is that this person is who we are going to put up to lead our effort to change the tone and the climate and the direction of this country, THEN THAT PERSON IS GOING TO GET MY VOTE.
I don't care if you can link me to 10 editorials about Dean's lack of minorities on his cabinet as Governer of Vermont. You know why? Because I can find 100 articles on direct and indisputable ways that Bush has disregarded the concerns of any number of ethic groups. And i can guarantee you it's worse than anything Dean has thought about on his worst day.
I don't care if you have 20 articles about whether or not Kerry actually threw his medals or not? You know why? Because I can find you 200 articles about the ways in which Bush has pissed all over the legacy of veterans in this country and disregarded the soldiers and future veterans he is now creating and sending to war. And I know it's worse than anything Kerry has ever dreamed up.
And on....and on....and on...and on.... No matter how many articles or quotes or nice little video clips you can give dig up from some archive and give to me, none of them will compare with what is right there on the surface for me to see with this administration without ANY digging whatsoever. The stakes are too high and there is too much work to be done educating and campaigning towards people who may not have the time, luxury, or energy to fully find out what this current administration has actually done to this country. I have to save my energy and my strength and every fiber of my being convincing them that the democratic nominee is going to right all the wrongs of the past 4 years. I don't want to have to spend that time or energy on people who ARE informed. And who SHOULD know better. Which I would like to think are my fellow DU posters. Many things will be said and many threats will be made about our votes and our support and all the rest betwen now and when the nominee is selected.
But the bottom line is, and call me naive but I truly believe that even the absolute WORST Democrat (which none of our candidates are) is still going to do more to correct and reverse the direction and climate in this country than the BEST republican (which Bush most certainly is not).
Sorry for this rant. It's been a long day and I'm tired and nursing a hangover.