You haven't heard the latest? Iraqi minister has made agreement with IRAN to bring Iranian army into Iraq to train Iraqi army, and they say Syrria will help.
Iran & Iraq tried to kill each other for centuries.
That George, he's the best uniter the world has ever seen,
just think of the consequences of that joining of forces.
The announcement says they are joining forces so that the Americans can leave and they will do the training of Iraqi forces so Iraq can take of itself. (of course with the installation of hardline mullahs from Iran)
Think Georgie is going to pull our forces out so they can train? after he built 14 euphemistically called "embassies" ?
and the latest excuse for being in Iraq, btw, is to prevent China which is exploding and growing industrially and economically, from grabbing all the oil reserves left in the Middle East. (I think I heard that on Fox news).
Take a good look at the map of the area. China can march down through Afghanistan or Turkey and take over the whole ball of wax with their 1.7 billion population anytime they're ready to.
And of course the oil companies which used to be American but now are "multi-nationals" meaning loyalty to no country...to extrapolate: after they built all those pipelines and used American soldiers and lives to do it, to protect their private corporations building the pipelines, can watch China which could and may march in and nationalize the oil for China. Right now they're asking to buy nicely to buy oil companies, but asking nicely may not last.
Actually I'd enjoy seeing the oil companies screwed.