...there's no question this will get very interesting soon."
Karl Rove and the Valerie Plame Leak
By CK Rairden
July 10, 2005
http://www.nationalledger.com/scribe/archives/2005/07/karl_rove_and_t.shtmlNewsweek reports that Time magazine correspondent Matt Cooper sent an e-mail at 11:07 on a Friday morning, July 11, 2003 to his bureau chief, Michael Duffy. Subject: Rove/P&C," (for personal and confidential)
"Spoke to Rove on double super secret background for about two mins before he went on vacation..." Cooper proceeded to spell out some guidance on a story that was beginning to roil Washington. He finished, "please don't source this to
ove or even WH " and suggested another reporter check with the CIA.
David Corn warns the Bush haters to be cautious: To be clear, this new evidence does not necessarily mean slammer-time for Rove. Under the relevant law, it's only a crime for a government official to identify a covert intelligence official if the government official knows the intelligence officer is under cover, and this documentary evidence, I'm told, does not address this particular point. But this new evidence does show that Rove -- despite his lawyers claim that Rove "did not tell any reporter that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA" -- did reveal to Cooper in a deep-background conversation that Wilson's wife was in the CIA.
Also take note: To constitute a violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, a disclosure by a government official must have been deliberate, the person doing it must have known that the CIA officer was a covert agent, and he or she must have known that "the United States is taking affirmative measures to conceal such covert agent's intelligence relationship to the United States.