I was reading this most recent article from the Washington Post that makes Rove sound squeeky clean:
"White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove spoke with at least one reporter about Valerie Plame's role at the CIA before she was identified as a covert agent in a newspaper column two years ago, but Rove's lawyer said yesterday that his client did not identify her by name."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/10/AR2005071001000.htmlWhat I don't understand is why these MSM reporters think it's perfectly OK for Rove to not come forward prior to today (and in fact, STILL not come forward) even though reporters are going to jail to cover for him. They're bending over backwards to give the administration a pass - WHY? What is the Bush administration threatening them with to make them so pro-administration? Are they going to hide and minimize the seriousness of an indictment, too? Why the turn-around by the media when they have previously been perfectly happy to print any dirt on any politician? Perhaps we should be investigating the press.
If Rove had nothing to hide, then why remain silent?
It's pretty clear to me from reading the media stories (and noticing how quickly they disappear despite broad public interest), someone in the administration is working REALLY hard to cover this up again. They want it to go away like it never happened. They wouldn't be acting that way unless there was something big to hide.
I feel a totally unnatural quiet surrounding this matter.
Innocent people scream their innocence from the rooftops from day one. Guilty people conceal everything until someone rats them out.
It's pretty clear which camp this administration falls into.